Tues and Wed log

Dec 06, 2006 23:10

Tuesday was 15 min Nautilus lower body weight circuit, followed by 1900 yd Master's swim. Then picking ham off Tday leftovers and making ham and bean soup. MMMMMMMMM Ham and Bean Soup..
Wednesday was TZ track workout. I missed one goal by 10 sec but came in 15 sec fast on another one. I declare this workout a success. Afterward we had dinner at Kneaded Pleasures, which was mostly good although my soup was a little thin. I just remembered I was supposed to get cornbread makin's at the store to go with our soup for tomorrow.

Usual 10 min warmup and drills. I did all the drills this week except the over and under.
Main workout: Pyramid. 400, 800, 1200, 1200, 800, 400 with a 400 'recovery' lap between all. No walking, except on the curves of the recovery lap.
Goal for first 400:       2:15   Actual: 2:15
Goal for first 800:       4:45   Actual: 4:37
Goal for first 1200:     7:30   Actual: 7:15 (yay! beat the goal)
Goal for second 1200: 7:10   Actual: 6:59 --this really wore me out and it showed in my second 800
Goal for second 800:   4:25   Actual: 4:35 - missed it, but also had some 'breathing issues' (uh... chest congestion)
Goal for second 400:   2:05   Actual: 2:05 (don't know how I did that but my hamstrings and glutes had given the all by that point)
Sarah and Kathy are too fast to be in our group!
Despite having run DC on Sunday and a hard track workout tonight, I'm doing okay but I did put icepacks on my sore places!

swimming, track workout, weight training, running

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