Okay, I am in a better mood today *grin* this is mainly due to
airmidm making me wet myself with laughter last night with lots of silly signs videos on you tube. My personal favourites are below. Also checkit the icon
miss_pink_22 has as usual been a complete babe, she just manages to let me rant at her, and then for some reason finds said rants funny.. Hmm I wonder why? I know I really should stop calling that woman names, but I can't help it. I suppose it is better than giving into temptation and slapping her viciously with a wet kipper, or battering her to death with her telephone. In fact, in the words of the ever amazing Alan Rickman, if she carries on I will "disembowel her with a rusty spoon", but that is enough of the annoyance that is that woman..
Last night, as usual I attended the local pub quiz and the team came second... Go us!!! I will be writing the quiz for next week and be warned, I may test it on you... Box of Jaffa Cakes to the person who gets the most right *grin* Unless of course it is
skywise012000 , then I guess it will have to be pink wafers or garabaldis *grin*