Oh well, after two days lounging around on my sofa I am now back at the coalface. *grin* Now I just have to avoid falling asleep at my desk, not easy when the boss doesn’t actually have any work for me at the moment. At least it gives me an excuse to work on my googledocs, as long as he doesn’t catch me obviously. This morning flew by, probably due to the fact I was catching up on two days worth of flist due to spending the past two days asleep, painkillers are wonderful things.
Okay quick uppy datey thingy-ma-bob from me. (cut to save your friend’s pages J)
Work was as usual work, the boss was off in the afternoon so I spent part of it updated the blog and a good hour of it on the phone either getting instructions on how to put a “request for detailed assessment hearing” together or convincing a witness that she really did want to attend Court, honest she did. Luckily both calls went well, the request is winging its way to the Court as I type and the witness has decided to play nice and attend the hearing.
After work myself and
miss_pink_22 adjourned to her place to get ready for our night out. While she got ready I successfully managed to burn a pizza… I’m still trying to work out how and am blaming the electric oven… I only use gas…
Well after we had eaten the burnt pizza, we went to the cinema to see Sex and The City and this is where the curse of Friday 13th kicked in. Our bus was delayed, my mother rang to say her car had broken down, but she was on her way and
miss_pink_22’s friend was also running late. However, once we got there, we decided to go and see the 8.30 instead of 7.30 show so it wasn’t so bad. Although, my sister did manage to spend £11.50 on the pic n mix.
The film itself was fantastic and I loved it. I want the DVD and I intend to watch it as often as possible, in fact it might even have the added side effect of driving the DB insane (only joking).
So after the film and drinkies went back to
miss_pink_22’s house and crashed out until…
Was rudely awoken by the DB at 9 am. He was telephoning me of course and I had left my phone on vibrate on the glass topped coffee table, what a racket. Not the best way to wake up trust me *grin* It wasn’t that bad though, woke up slowly and left at around 12 to head home. Got home, unpacked the shopping, calmed down the DB who was panicking due to the fact that his parents were coming to dinner on the Sunday. Got him to come to Blackwood with me to go to the library and visit my WSG as she is off on a cruise (a Baltic Cruise no less *grin*) this weekend coming. This was when, after getting 20 books from the library, I managed to leave my purse there and not get the message from them until after 4 pm (the time the library shuts) that afternoon. My mobile was on vibrate and in my coat pocket upstairs and I was downstairs, hence no purse for me. When we got home the DB’s brother came over and we chilled for a bit before commencing Operation Scrub the House. In fact I am blaming the bad knees on scrubbing the bathroom floor. Actually it wasn’t that bad, just took a while.
Today was a reasonably good day, the DB and his bro cooked dinner for his dad for fathers day and it all went off relatively without a hitch. Aside from the DB’s usual stresses of course. I wish he would just believe us that he can cook. Sunday night was good, I was chilling out recovering from washing all the Sunday dishes. I knew there was a reason I hated Sunday dinner.
Other than that the weekend was chilled.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
My knees decided to play up for the first two days of this week, so I was stuck at home. I couldn’t even summon the energy to blog… Oh well never mind, I am back in work now and it is almost time to escape, run screaming for the hills, go home after a hard days work. When I get there I will be updating my books read blog, so I warn you all in advance that there is another long post on its way…