Jun 23, 2006 14:02
So here I am over three months later FINALLY updating my journal. So much has happened and changed around here, but I slightly feel that I've gotten less out of these last few months than I'd planned to. Lemme give you the Cliff Notes version of life (March - present):
* I accidentally ran a red light one morning on my way to school. Hit a police cruiser. Crunched my car in the front. I had insurance, but it was only liability, so I had to cover the damages to my own car. It's currently less crunched, but slightly held together with duct tape. My mechanics at AWEARE told me not to expect it to pass inspection come January. Super...
* Student Teaching consisted of both inspiring moments, and other times that made me want to cry (and I did, sometimes). We worked on some Stephen King short stories, read "The Outsiders," and "Julius Caesar." I had both positive and negative feedback from my Plymouth mentor. While Amy & I had our moments, I don't really think we connected. I think she was probably glad to be done dealing with me and I was done with the school and her classes. I did learn a lot, but right now I feel that I'll be happier as a sub for the rest of my life instead of a teacher, because while I may not experience those positive times, at least I won't have to deal with the same students and their same problems day after day. West wasn't my kind of school...it was just so negative and discipline-oriented...sucked the energy right out of me...
* Made some periodic trips up to Plymouth this semester. Saw the Vagina Monologues and supported my girls! Picked up stuff for graduation! Partied! Did the Sigma Tau Delta CakeWalk!
* myJoe came up for St. Patty's day and we partied throughout ManchVegas, then spent that weekend down in Boston looking for housing as of May.
* celebrated Easter for the first time in years! Had dinner with Dad, Nada, and her family that Friday. Then Joe & I went home the next day and painted eggs with Rose & Patrick. On Easter Sunday we went egg hunting, and then I joined Joe and his family at the Deeryfield Counrty Club with his family for Easter Brunch. It was goooood!
* JOE & I FOUND A PLACE TO LIVE!!! IN FACT, I'm writing from our new one bedroom apartment in Allston, MA (the greater-Boston region, next to the BU campus). It's at "garden level" (AKA basement), but although we worried about the incessant rain, it keeps the whole place pretty cool. I had a two week hiatus between Student Teaching and graduation, so I moved down to Beantown then, and Joe & I have been doing wonderfully!
* Graduation was alright. I made it, but after being down in Manchester for the semester it seemed so surreal to be back and publically announcing to everyone that I'm leaving. It was really good to see everyone, though - even the people that we were friends with from Freshmen year and don't really hang out with anymore...it just seemed ironic that we'd spend even a few minutes with them on our last day here.
While the graduating gang had the good luck of no assigned seats during graduation, Kaffee, Dobbie, Kevin, Katie, and I (etc.) had the bad luck of sitting in front of the most disrespectful people at the ceremony. The moment they sat down they emptied beer cans from their pockets, champagne bottles from their pantlegs, and drank the entire time! Not only did they make loud, inappropriate comments all throughout the speeches (preventing us from hearing anything), but he girl behind me also peed under my chair. Yay for Plymouth graduates.
Diane (the all-knowing high school senior) made some comment later that day about how Plymouth is pretty much a slacker school. While I know it really used to have a big party reputation back in the 80's, and there are some people who are content with their just passing grades, I've never seen Plymouth in that light. I personally worked my ass off to get somewhere. I graduated Magna Cum Laude and was probably too active at school for my own good! It just bothers me that all my hard work over these four years can be tainted like that.
The family came to the graduation and actually bought me flowers, gave me $$$, and took Joe & I out to eat at The Olive Garden!!! This is an extreme about-face of the big fat nothing that I received at my high school graduation. In fact, they left as quickly as possible, that time...but I suppose they're redeeming themeselves.
* On May 21st, Joe & I had our 6th year anniversary (yes, so it's not perfectly exact, but we're ditching that "lost year" and pretending it never happened), but we actually just ended up going back to Boston so Joe could go to work. Neither of us can afford to have fun right now. But we did promise each other that when we do get on top of everything financially (hopefully by October 5th (another special day)), we'll be able to go out on a real date and have some fun together.
* working at WalMart sucked, but I'd rather work there than at Shaw's where I'm working now as a cashier. Maybe it's just the fact that it's Boston, but I've been there for three weeks now and no one has even tried to get to know me or say hi or anything. At least 50% of the customers don't speak English, and at least 50% of them who do are crabby. And I'm now beginning to realize how much better WalMart does their job as far as security of registers/credit card protection and loss prevention goes. No wonder they're taking over the world.
* Aside from working and Joe's workstudy/classes, we've been going up to NH quite often on the weekends for various reasons: Joe's additional recording studio gigs, Joselyn's graduation party (man, I missed that girl!), Diane's graduation day from Stark, Joe's nephew's 1st b-day party, etc.
...Yup...that basically brings us up to date. As of July I'll be working as a Teacher Assistant at a Wediko-based summer school (AKA for emotionally disturbed boys). Hopefully then I'll feel like I'm not a waste of air, because this brainless job and newly-re-sparked videogame addiction is making me restless and turning by brain to mush.