I’m getting nostalgic over my old OTP

May 10, 2010 20:27

Originally published at I Heart Paperbacks. You can comment here or there.

Way back in the day I was a hugely geeky X-Files fan. Mulder and Scully were my het OTP in the biggest way for a long time. I haven’t seen the show or read the fanfic in years, but I stumbled on it again the other day and now I’m reading and watching vids and just soaking it all up and feeling that warm, swimmy feeling in my stomach. I’ve even been watching the show again, starting with Season One (thank God for Netflix’s instant watching thingammy!). So, in honor of my trip down fandom memory lane, here are some vids I came across this morning. Enjoy!

Title: Believe Again
Created by: Erockfurnia
Pairing: Mulder/Scully
Notes: This vid is labeled “XF3 Army”. I’m not sure exactly what that is, but I’m assuming it’s some sort of campaign to get a third movie. Even so, it’s a smashing vid that does what it’s supposed to - make me want more! :)

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Title: Love Remains The Same
Created by: Erockfurnia
Pairing: Mulder/Scully
Notes: This one’s made like one of those music videos that go with a movie. It’s got clips of the show and movies spliced in with clips of the guy who’s singing the song. Good song, great vid.

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Title: Everything Changes
Created by: Erockfurnia
Pairing: Mulder/Scully
Notes: What would she have missed if she’d gone to Salt Lake City? What would have changed if that moment in the hallway had been different.

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Well, I hope you enjoy the vids! For more vids (or to download HD versions of the ones above) go to the vidder’s website. I highly recommend the one called “Resist or Serve”.

fandom: the x-files, video

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