Dec 29, 2004 19:18
so i wake up this wonderful morning bearly able to swallow water. my fucking throat has all this huge white jagged spots all over. it took me two and a half hours to go to the walk-in clinic, wait for the idiot quack to prescribe me medication. you know, going into that place downtown reminds me of that scene in requiem for a dream when the mom goes to see the weight loss doctor and the place takes her weight and stuff like that and then the doctor doesn't even look at her and just writes her some persciption and thats that.
happy new year.
you gotta love it when a chick you were talking to on the phone on a fairly consistent basis for about a month and a very decent girl at that, just stops returning your calls and when you see her online and she no longer im's you.
it's a very very beautiful and heart-warming thing.
New Year's Resolutions (as inspired by Sir Gordon d.d.s.):
1.) Eat healthier (i.e. no pop, fast food, laying off the easy cooks such as mac and cheese and/or frozen pizzas.)
2.) Become a successful romantic (ha ha!) and not let chicks stress me out over stupid shit. this one should prove to be the hardest resolution, as i have yet to figure out why i appear to be so inadequete in this area.
3.) Make the most of my time. spend doing more fullfilling things.
4.) Be more available to those that mean the most to me.
My new years resolutions from last year?
1.) Eat better and healthier and attempt to lose weight from it.
2.) be a more open person to everyhting.
3.) not take girls/certain situations/ and life so seriously
i was relatively successful on all accounts. tho i gained some weight back. and there were a couple of girls that had me all sorts of messed up but not as badly or as much as last year. and my mind has grown so much since last year. i've tried a ton of things that i never thought i would and i've become way more spontaneous and laid back.
so yes indeed, if you see me next year (if i live to see next year:) ) ask me how my resolutions are going. keep me on task and i shall attempt to do the same for you.
feel free to share the resolutions with me too.
srekcuf samtsirhc yerrm,(it makes sense becuase it already passed but it's a great greeting)