my schedule is so totally fucked up!!!

Jan 23, 2007 10:34

okay, for those of you who know me outside of LJ, you know that i am totally and completely a morning person and i tend to fall asleep on the couch at stupid times like 8:30 at night......

anyhow, so i'm off clinics this week, which already screws up my schedule, but add to that that i got called in at 11:30 pm sunday night and didn't get home until 4:30 am monday morning.....therefore i slept until 11:30 am monday and was up until after midnight last night......then slept until 9:30 am today.......and yet, what do i have to show for it.......not a damn thing!

so, i'm on a research week and i'm starting a project with a student who i get along with very well and a clinician whom i don't really know. well......the freaking clinician is like working with RAINMAN.....he is so totally out there. don't get me wrong, he's brilliant, but i swear i wonder if it weren't for his wife he wouldn't forget to wear clothes to work everyday! we wasted many, many hours yesterday and got NOTHING done. now our weeklong project is a day off schedule and will require me to go into work all day on sunday, my day off. grrrrr......

so, although most of you don't know this week's biography prompt yet, i do, and i think i'm going to write a little present to clay for it........(and a challenge for myself!) stay tuned!
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