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Dec 24, 2005 09:08

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! so being home on break is amazing. its just relaxing knowing htat i have NOTHING to do. i looove not working. its nice seeing old friends again and everything too. i've been hanging otu wthi nicole alot. we made dan the most amazing present ever. and gave it to him. he liked it. it was double chocolate covered pretzels and chocolate covered marshmellows and chocolate covered carmel. we got a little carreid away with the dipping i suppose. its cool cuz even tho i miss my school friends a ton, i know i'll see them really soon. ok well diana and carolyn i will. in DISNEY! yes that is coming up really soon. i bought myself some old navy flip flops. yes they have them. two for five! so i defintiely felt the need to stock up. cuz. lets face it... you can never have too many of those flip flops. or at least i can't. i do love being home. i love school, but it doesnt ahve lots of cats and a dog and a family and old friends. i'll be ready to go back tho by the time break is over. ok. so to end it all, i hope everyone has a great christmas!
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