My mom is visiting. Here's the weekend:
Friday: Left work early, since no one was in due to planned computer shutdown. My mom and I walked (with Helen) around Swan Lake in Rockefeller State Park Preserve.
Saturday: Mostly a quiet day. The only excitement was the trip to Target for the item they were out of.
surpheon's birthday! I mowed the lawn while J took H to church. We then went walking with our friends S&J and their baby in Rockefeller. We started in a parking lot theoretically connected to the park and aimed for the park. We discovered a loop and a dead end, but finally figured the way out of the maze of twisty passages. We walked to Swan Lake and used the bathrooms there just before they closed, and then walked back, for a total of 7.8 miles according to the GPS. I consider this an impressive distance to cover with two babies who weren't synchronizing their feeding schedules. Then we ordered out from an Indian restaurant that messed up our order, and had ice cream cake for the birthday boy.
Leave me alone, I'm navigating
She seemed to feel she was the best qualified to navigate with the GPS.
What's that?
She loves to point things out to us. I'm not always sure what she's pointing at.
Let's go!
She toddled around a bit (with support).
We went out to breakfast with Helen (and adventure for us), and then took Helen to a little park with a swing(an adventure for her). We saw an egret and an heron. We then ventured out to the zoo.
Sheep are real?!?
Monday, we visited the Bronx Zoo. Helen seemed to enjoy the Children's Zoo, but getting pictures of her looking at ducks isn't as interesting as pictures of her trying to pet things.
Cows are real too?
They had weird cows. With humps.
Good thing the Ergo is secure.
Then we came home, and decided to see if Helen would like the pool...
That is a happy baby, actually.
Grandma teaching Helen to splash.
Home For a Rest
Having had only interrupted naps (and getting grumpy because of it), but she finally drunk herself into a stupor.