Dec 22, 2011 08:02
[Sure, it may have snowed already, but that's nothing compared to this. A blizzard is hitting Sirocco and blanketing the area with thick layers of snow. Hope someone was dreaming of a white Christmas.
Of course, the only bad thing about otherwise enjoying the snow? Hailstones. Not exactly a hailstorm, and they're just infrequent enough to take that risk, but they're still present. ...although come to think, those hailstones are rather smooth. And they've got a bit of color to them. Could they be... naaaaah.
Off in the distance, high above Sirocco, there are two faint lights. One can barely be made out, but the other is brighter... and if you can hear it over the wind, the sound of a familiar horn can be heard.]
((Anemoi are falling for the sky for anyone to pick up! Each character can only get 2% worth; everything after that is either hail or melts upon touch.))