AlopexPlasma: (11:54:57 PM) There's that old shipwreck, visible in the distance.
AlopexPlasma: (11:55:28 PM) It's midways in the water, but it sure does look like it has plenty of relative dry space to explore.
AlopexPlasma: (11:55:40 PM) The first obstacle: how to reach it!
ZebulonCrispi: (11:55:42 PM) Valvatorez is standing on the water's edge, cape billowing in the wind.
ZebulonCrispi: (11:55:46 PM) Which is odd, since it's not windy.
ZebulonCrispi: (11:55:48 PM) That's just how he rolls.
Badge: (11:56:12 PM) Hiroshi: We'll need some sort of boat, most likely. There's got to be a place we can rent one nearby.
HurricaneChris04: (11:56:40 PM) Shirou: "Is anyone familiar with the waterfront?"
AlopexPlasma: (11:57:27 PM) There's a shack that preforms such a service, though whether it's operative in such weather is another question.
Badge: (11:59:18 PM) Hiroshi knocks on the door.
AlopexPlasma: (11:59:57 PM) A salty old fellow opens it and requests what in tarnation he wants.
Badge: (12:00:55 AM) Hiroshi: Excuse me, we would like to rent a boat. May I ask how much it would cost?
AlopexPlasma: (12:02:46 AM) "You lot headin out in this weather?"
AlopexPlasma: (12:03:20 AM) "Ever handled a boat afore?"
ZebulonCrispi: (12:03:34 AM) Valvatorez: "Adventure does not wait for clear skies!"
AlopexPlasma: (12:04:09 AM) He gives a figure. It's a little on the high side.
HurricaneChris04: (12:04:17 AM) Shirou says nothing. He's never sailed before.
AlopexPlasma: (12:04:28 AM) "Plus extra on deposite, 'case you lot wreck it."
AlopexPlasma: (12:04:38 AM) *deposit
Badge: (12:04:49 AM) Hiroshi, somehow, doesn't wince. But he's not exactly swimming in funds right now. He looks to the others. "How much do you all have on you?"
HurricaneChris04: (12:05:17 AM) Shirou: "I can pitch in, but I can't pay the full price alone."
HurricaneChris04: (12:05:44 AM) Technically he CAN, because he's been hoarding money, but then he'd be left without enough for living expenses.
s.a.b.e.r: (12:06:34 AM) Rin: "Ugh--you want to pay him just to go wander around in the middle of the water for a bit?"
AlopexPlasma: (12:06:53 AM) "Man's gotta eat, missy."
ZebulonCrispi: (12:06:56 AM) Valvatorez: "No matter. I shall pay for it myself!"
HurricaneChris04: (12:06:58 AM) Shirou: "Do you have a better idea?"
ZebulonCrispi: (12:07:05 AM) " what I would say, but I'm living on a Janitor's salary."
s.a.b.e.r: (12:07:06 AM) Even if she's voicing a complaint, the girl is willing to pitch in as well. It isn't as though she has anything else better to do with her time.
AlopexPlasma: (12:07:39 AM) "You heading out to that there wreck?"
Badge: (12:08:01 AM) Hiroshi sighs, then turns back to the man. "That was the plan, yes."
ZebulonCrispi: (12:08:37 AM) Valvatorez will contribute, though.
AlopexPlasma: (12:08:41 AM) "Tell you what. There's a parrot on that ship."
AlopexPlasma: (12:09:02 AM) "It's mine. Bring it back and I'll refund the whole shebang."
HurricaneChris04: (12:09:16 AM) Shirou: "Deal."
HurricaneChris04: (12:09:21 AM) No regrets. Only path.
Badge: (12:09:25 AM) Hiroshi nods. Works as well as anything.
s.a.b.e.r: (12:10:47 AM) If Rin can get her money back by dragging some dumb bird back to the shore, then you can guess exactly what her goal will be.
AlopexPlasma: (12:21:02 AM) You sure do have a boat now.
Badge: (12:21:43 AM) Hiroshi will remain cool, confident, and not seasick despite the boat's attempts to the contrary.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:21:57 AM) Valvatorez boards the discount boat, moving immediately to the bow and gunbuster posing dramatically for departure.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:22:07 AM) Valvatorez: "Our next destination: The wrecked ship!"
s.a.b.e.r: (12:22:25 AM) Rin: "When you word it in such a manner, it does sound kind of exciting."
HurricaneChris04: (12:22:27 AM) Shirou just gets on the boat and sits down. No point in anything else. Valvatorez.
AlopexPlasma: (12:22:40 AM) (your new theme music!
Badge: (12:22:40 AM) Hiroshi: Yes. Thanks. I wouldn't have remembered that if you hadn't stated it dramatically.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:22:46 AM) Valvatorez: "Of course. An adventure such as this must have the proper atmosphere."
AlopexPlasma: (12:26:41 AM) You approach the ship without any unfortunate incidents.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:26:49 AM) Damn straight.
AlopexPlasma: (12:27:00 AM) The mast is snapped in two and hanging at an angle.
AlopexPlasma: (12:27:09 AM) You could likely clamber up it easy enough.
Badge: (12:27:31 AM) Hiroshi wraps his scarf around tighter. He's tense, but trying to hide it. He goes to climb up the mast.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:27:35 AM) Vampires don't /clamber/!
ZebulonCrispi: (12:27:40 AM) Valvatorez walks. Up the mast.
HurricaneChris04: (12:28:31 AM) Shirou's in good shape. He's able to climb the mast with little difficulty.
s.a.b.e.r: (12:29:24 AM) Rin struggles a bit if only due to her current attire.
AlopexPlasma: (12:29:51 AM) The deck!
AlopexPlasma: (12:30:08 AM) It contains the typical ship wossnames.
AlopexPlasma: (12:30:14 AM) Rope, barrels, jibs, ect.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:30:30 AM) Valvatorez nods thoughtfully. Yes, of course, there's the...
ZebulonCrispi: (12:30:37 AM) ...he doesn't really know anything about sailing.
Badge: (12:30:52 AM) Hiroshi checks the rope for anything usable, just in case.
AlopexPlasma: (12:30:56 AM) There's staircases going down at fore and aft, the bit with the wheel up in front
AlopexPlasma: (12:31:28 AM) And there's a door near aforesaid bit.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:31:39 AM) Valvatorez: "Our objectives are two fold!"
AlopexPlasma: (12:31:43 AM) The rope's gross and coarse, but in okay condition.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:31:48 AM) "First: Find the parrot for the old man at the docks."
ZebulonCrispi: (12:31:55 AM) "Second: Find any Anemoi lurking in the ship's depths."
Badge: (12:32:17 AM) He takes one of the lighter coils and puts it into his backpack.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:35:52 AM) Well, nobody's making any decisions, so Valvatorez takes the lead!
ZebulonCrispi: (12:35:54 AM) TO THE AFT.
AlopexPlasma: (12:38:27 AM) The aft has a large closed hatch.
AlopexPlasma: (12:38:53 AM) Also apparently the bit with the wheel goes there, not the front, if the internet speaks truthfully.
AlopexPlasma: (12:39:02 AM) Consider that earlier bit retconned.
Badge: (12:40:51 AM) Hiroshi approaches the hatch, wiping his hands off. "It's not locked, is it?"
Badge: (12:41:03 AM) He gets the feeling he is entirely too used to locked and stuck doors somehow...
AlopexPlasma: (12:41:08 AM) Damn straight it is.
AlopexPlasma: (12:41:17 AM) Looks like it's barred from underneath.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:41:42 AM) Valvatorez: "Hmm.... we'll need to find another way in."
HurricaneChris04: (12:41:51 AM) Shirou: "Wait."
HurricaneChris04: (12:42:03 AM) He presses his hands to the hatch and attempts to analyze it.
AlopexPlasma: (12:42:07 AM) (There's the stairs and the large door.)
Badge: (12:42:12 AM) Hiroshi frowns. Eh?
AlopexPlasma: (12:42:24 AM) It's made of water-swollen wood.
AlopexPlasma: (12:42:43 AM) It is, indeed, barred from within.
AlopexPlasma: (12:42:55 AM) By wooden planks.
AlopexPlasma: (12:43:09 AM) They've also been nailed down, if he can sense that.
HurricaneChris04: (12:43:23 AM) Shirou: "With enough force we could break this. It's barred shut, but it's just nailed planks."
Badge: (12:43:42 AM) Hiroshi blinks. "How could you know that?"
ZebulonCrispi: (12:44:21 AM) Valvatorez: "It's force you want, is it? Allow me."
HurricaneChris04: (12:44:29 AM) Shirou: "It's hard to explain."
ZebulonCrispi: (12:44:54 AM) (Is this like a hatch in the floor or like a door?)
Badge: (12:44:55 AM) Hiroshi doesn't look like he quite accepts that explanation. "...Tell me later, then."
AlopexPlasma: (12:45:11 AM) (Cargo hatch, yep!)
ZebulonCrispi: (12:45:37 AM) (So in the floor then.)
Badge: (12:46:07 AM) The white-haired boy keeps his distance. Just in case the brute method has... unintended consequences.
AlopexPlasma: (12:46:17 AM) (Yep)
ZebulonCrispi: (12:46:23 AM) Valvatorez leaps ludicrously high into the air, coming down heel first on the door in an over-the-top kick that totally isn't infringing on any Gainax copyrights!
AlopexPlasma: (12:47:13 AM) The door holds.
AlopexPlasma: (12:47:16 AM) The frame does not.
s.a.b.e.r: (12:47:46 AM) Rin: "Always with the brute strength route. You're not hurt or anything, are you?"
AlopexPlasma: (12:47:50 AM) Valvatorez looks like he's gonna be riding it down to the next floor
AlopexPlasma: (12:47:52 AM) Which....
AlopexPlasma: (12:47:56 AM) There's no floor.
AlopexPlasma: (12:48:28 AM) There may or not be a floor on the level under that one.
AlopexPlasma: (12:48:56 AM) Hard to tell, since it's totally flooded.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:49:12 AM) Valvatorez (from the echoey depths): "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."
Badge: (12:49:21 AM) Hiroshi: *golf clap*
ZebulonCrispi: (12:49:42 AM) Valvatorez: "It's a bit of a drop, down here, but the water should break your fall."
s.a.b.e.r: (12:50:16 AM) Rin: "You honestly don't think I'm going to go down there, are you?"
Badge: (12:50:38 AM) Hiroshi adjusts his glasses. "Let's... try to stick to dry land a little while longer."
ZebulonCrispi: (12:50:52 AM) Valvatorez: "...Very well, then. I'll try to find a route back to the surface."
AlopexPlasma: (12:51:27 AM) Looks like there might be stairs on the far side, if he swims for it.
Badge: (12:51:49 AM) Hiroshi goes towards the door on the fore side.
AlopexPlasma: (12:52:01 AM) And the second floor's like two feet above his head if he stands on the door.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:52:15 AM) Valvatorez will head for the second floor!
AlopexPlasma: (12:53:25 AM) Looks like Hiroshi's got the captain's quarters!
AlopexPlasma: (12:53:56 AM) There's a sweet bed and articles of furniture bolted to the floors.
Badge: (12:54:18 AM) Hiroshi does what any character of his type would do and starts checking drawers and closets.
Badge: (12:54:26 AM) ...urge to hop in closet is resisted.
AlopexPlasma: (12:54:56 AM) (one of the articles is a fancy perch)
AlopexPlasma: (12:55:13 AM) There's a sea chest, which is locked.
AlopexPlasma: (12:55:23 AM) a bunch of old papers
AlopexPlasma: (12:55:28 AM) bottles full of liquid
AlopexPlasma: (12:55:48 AM) his adventuring instincts likely lead him to this
AlopexPlasma: (12:56:07 AM)¤t=itsaclue.jpgBadge: (12:56:32 AM) Hiroshi: Hmmm...
AlopexPlasma: (12:56:36 AM) Meanwhile, the second floor contains hallways.
AlopexPlasma: (12:56:44 AM) A giant hole in the floor.
AlopexPlasma: (12:56:48 AM) A hatch.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:57:03 AM) Hatch going which way?
AlopexPlasma: (12:57:07 AM) Up.
AlopexPlasma: (12:57:15 AM) An ex-hatch, if you prefer.
ZebulonCrispi: (12:57:22 AM) That's where he goes! His invaluable battle comrades are waiting for him.
AlopexPlasma: (12:57:43 AM) And the party has been unsplit.
Badge: (12:57:52 AM) He takes a closer look at the liquids.
HurricaneChris04: (12:57:57 AM) Shirou: "...sorry about that."
AlopexPlasma: (12:58:28 AM) They're liquid.
AlopexPlasma: (12:58:44 AM) Most seem to be in green glass bottles
AlopexPlasma: (12:59:07 AM) And bear crude labels
AlopexPlasma: (12:59:18 AM) "Grorg"
AlopexPlasma: (12:59:21 AM) "Rum"
AlopexPlasma: (12:59:26 AM) "Good Shit!!!"
AlopexPlasma: (12:59:44 AM) Clearly the captain was a man of refined tastes.
Badge: (12:59:58 AM) Clearly.
Badge: (1:00:15 AM) He turns back to the clue. Hmm.
AlopexPlasma: (1:00:37 AM) Something heavy clonks him in the back of the head.
Badge: (1:01:03 AM) Oh. Well. So much for that. Thud.
AlopexPlasma: (1:01:14 AM) There is a clattering rustle as something departs.
AlopexPlasma: (1:01:45 AM) It leaves behind a dull yellow feather.
Badge: (1:02:36 AM) Hiroshi: The hell --
Badge: (1:02:59 AM) He picks up the feather. Hmmm.
ZebulonCrispi: (1:03:02 AM) Valvatorez shows up around now.
AlopexPlasma: (1:03:37 AM) A cackling issues from belowdecks.
Badge: (1:03:43 AM) ...well, from his position on the floor anyway. And he's not entirely sure there aren't more than one in his hand. Hands.
AlopexPlasma: (1:03:49 AM) Were Rin and Shirou watching the area?
AlopexPlasma: (1:04:06 AM) Or were they too busy mackin'
HurricaneChris04: (1:04:12 AM) Shirou was listening for what Valvatorez was doing.
ZebulonCrispi: (1:04:44 AM) Valvatorez: "My apologies for splitting the party."
s.a.b.e.r: (1:05:40 AM) Rin was too busy inspecting a bottle naturally. What, it was shiny and could have been something rich.
AlopexPlasma: (1:05:51 AM) "A+ BRANDY"
AlopexPlasma: (1:06:23 AM) (That would be the bottle, and not the creepy voice.)
HurricaneChris04: (1:06:39 AM) Shirou: "...What is that."
Badge: (1:06:44 AM) Hiroshi pushes himself up. Eventually. Ow.
Badge: (1:08:30 AM) He staggers out with the paper and the feather. "I think I found the bird," he says, somewhat woozily.
s.a.b.e.r: (1:09:55 AM) Rin: "So where is it then? Don't think the old man is willing to accept a feather as just payment."
ZebulonCrispi: (1:10:25 AM) Valvatorez: "It must still be nearby!"
HurricaneChris04: (1:10:30 AM) Shirou: "...Am I the only person who heard what came from belowdecks?
s.a.b.e.r: (1:11:26 AM) Rin: "Then it must be *your* imagination."
AlopexPlasma: (1:11:41 AM) And there's that voice again!
HurricaneChris04: (1:11:47 AM) Shirou: "My imagination isn't that vivid--listen!"
ZebulonCrispi: (1:11:51 AM) Valvatorez: "Hmhmhm... I don't think we're alone on this ship."
AlopexPlasma: (1:11:51 AM) "Say my name! WHAT'S MY NAME???"
Badge: (1:12:02 AM) Hiroshi: Name...?
Badge: (1:12:08 AM) He looks at the piece of paper again.
AlopexPlasma: (1:12:56 AM) There's more cackling, which fades away slowly.
Badge: (1:14:08 AM) He fumbles in his backpack, still trying to refocus his vision for -- there we go, a pencil. Just to doublecheck, he scribbles lightly right under the characters.
AlopexPlasma: (1:14:42 AM) there seem to be erased markings underneath
AlopexPlasma: (1:15:01 AM) they mirror the ones above more or less exactly
Badge: (1:15:28 AM) Hiroshi: 8... 1... 3... 8.
Badge: (1:19:06 AM) Hiroshi: There must be a safe or... something around.
s.a.b.e.r: (1:21:24 AM) Rin: "A safe?" And thus she begins her investigation. Naturally, this means she's going to pay more attention to detail and neglect to notice the real *obvious* things such as holes.
AlopexPlasma: (1:22:09 AM) There are other obvious things.
AlopexPlasma: (1:22:26 AM) For instance, that dark shape in the water filling the hold.
AlopexPlasma: (1:22:40 AM) It's moving closer.
AlopexPlasma: (1:23:28 AM) What she might, just might, be able to notice
AlopexPlasma: (1:23:45 AM) Is the large tentacle out of fucking nowhere that grabs her leg!
AlopexPlasma: (1:24:11 AM) It's pulling her into the hold, and it's pretty strong!
s.a.b.e.r: (1:24:54 AM) Figures, the Japanese girl in a skirt gets the tentacle. You think she would stop shrieking long enough to cast a magical incantation, but she's Rin. Shrieking at things usually makes them go away.
Badge: (1:25:27 AM) Hiroshi yelps, and actually looks freaked out by the site. Holy --
HurricaneChris04: (1:25:41 AM) Shirou whips around. "Wha--RIN!"
ZebulonCrispi: (1:25:55 AM) Valvatorez: "RIN!"
AlopexPlasma: (1:26:00 AM) Aaaand too late! Rin's down and under!
HurricaneChris04: (1:26:29 AM) Shirou dashes straight for the hole. He's already got an arrow out and sets it as he peers down into the hole.
AlopexPlasma: (1:26:30 AM) Your new theme music, ladies and gents! (1:27:55 AM) Valvatorez: "Careful!"
ZebulonCrispi: (1:28:12 AM) Valvatorez: "If you shoot without being able to see through the water, you might hit Rin by mistake!"
AlopexPlasma: (1:28:42 AM) There's another tentacle out and waving at the movement.
HurricaneChris04: (1:29:00 AM) And now there's an arrow flying straight at said tentacle!
AlopexPlasma: (1:29:37 AM) Welp, now it's flailing.
AlopexPlasma: (1:29:50 AM) It takes out another chunk of floor.
Badge: (1:30:09 AM) Hiroshi: H-hey! Be rational about your attacks!
AlopexPlasma: (1:30:09 AM) And the tentacle holding Rin surfaces while it's flipping the fuck out.
AlopexPlasma: (1:30:17 AM) She looks kind of unconcious!
ZebulonCrispi: (1:30:57 AM) Valvatorez: "Now's your chance, young man!"
HurricaneChris04: (1:31:15 AM) Shirou doesn't need the reminder. He chucks the bow aside and mutters.
HurricaneChris04: (1:31:20 AM) Shirou: "Trace, on."
HurricaneChris04: (1:31:36 AM) A flash of light later, and a pair of short swords are now in Shirou's hands.
HurricaneChris04: (1:32:13 AM) Once they're fully materialized, Shirou does a swan dive into the hole, swinging the swords like a pair of scissor blades at the tentacle holding Rin!
AlopexPlasma: (1:33:18 AM) The tentacle is severed mid-thrash with a disgusting squishy noise!
AlopexPlasma: (1:33:34 AM) Rin's going flying off to the side because PHYSICS.
ZebulonCrispi: (1:33:48 AM) Valvatorez: "...well done."
AlopexPlasma: (1:34:02 AM) Shirou's now diving into a hole containing a really angry thing with tentacles.
Badge: (1:34:09 AM) Give Hiroshi a bit, he's going through his usual mental justification and refutation cycle after seeing swords SUDDELY APPEAR IN A GUY'S HANDS.
HurricaneChris04: (1:34:38 AM) Shirou mentally swears.
HurricaneChris04: (1:34:55 AM) When he hits the water, he swims toward Rin. Easier said than done when holding a pair of swords.
AlopexPlasma: (1:35:30 AM) And the tentacles go for the moving target.
ZebulonCrispi: (1:35:47 AM) Valvatorez: "Not so fast!"
ZebulonCrispi: (1:36:03 AM) Valvatorez dives after him, sword ready to shred some tentacles!
AlopexPlasma: (1:37:05 AM) There's now a pair of oozy tentacle ends floating on the water.
AlopexPlasma: (1:37:40 AM) The dark shape withdraws to the far side of the deck because fuckin' OW.
AlopexPlasma: (1:38:08 AM) The cackling starts up again.
Badge: (1:40:41 AM) Hiroshi looks around, trying to pinpoint the voice's location.
AlopexPlasma: (1:41:09 AM) Still on the second floor.
Badge: (1:41:27 AM) Hiroshi looks for a way TO the second floor that doesn't require jumping into water with horrible tentacle monsters.
AlopexPlasma: (1:41:39 AM) There's stairs.
AlopexPlasma: (1:41:54 AM) They seem safe.
AlopexPlasma: (1:41:59 AM) Comparatively so.
Badge: (1:42:00 AM) He takes those stairs. Carefully.
AlopexPlasma: (1:42:05 AM) There's some spider webs.
AlopexPlasma: (1:42:30 AM) Those could be a bit of a pain for arachnophobes.
Badge: (1:43:24 AM) He'll DEAL.
AlopexPlasma: (1:43:31 AM) The trip to the base of the stairs is uneventful.
Badge: (1:44:02 AM) He looks around. Where to next...
AlopexPlasma: (1:44:12 AM) On one side, there's a big octopus hole which contains an idiot and a vampire.
AlopexPlasma: (1:44:28 AM) Rin is crumpled at the base of a wall.
Badge: (1:44:58 AM) Hiroshi goes to check and make sure she's okay first.
AlopexPlasma: (1:45:01 AM) And there's a few doors nearby that do not require traversing the enlargened hole.
AlopexPlasma: (1:46:14 AM) Rin is pretty waterlogged.
AlopexPlasma: (1:46:38 AM) She's really out of it, but she's instinctively coughing.
AlopexPlasma: (1:46:44 AM) So that's a good sign.
Badge: (1:47:07 AM) No CPR needed, then. Hiroshi takes his scarf off and wraps it around her to make sure she keeps warm before checking out the safe doors.
ZebulonCrispi: (1:47:22 AM) Valvatorez, meanwhile, grabs Shirou and tows him back to the surface.
AlopexPlasma: (1:48:35 AM) First door contains a kitchen.
AlopexPlasma: (1:49:10 AM) Second seems to be a dining area.
AlopexPlasma: (1:49:13 AM) Enter y/n?
Badge: (1:49:17 AM) y
AlopexPlasma: (1:49:26 AM) First or second.
ZebulonCrispi: (1:49:29 AM) y!
AlopexPlasma: (1:49:32 AM) Pick thy poison!
ZebulonCrispi: (1:49:36 AM) whichever one Hiroshi takes.
Badge: (1:49:42 AM) Hiroshi picks the kitchen first.
AlopexPlasma: (1:50:35 AM) There's an unlit stove, sacks and bins, cupboards and barrels....
AlopexPlasma: (1:51:25 AM) There's another door to the dining room.
AlopexPlasma: (1:51:45 AM) And there's a table.
AlopexPlasma: (1:52:11 AM) The table contains some pretty ancient lookin' beef jerky.
Badge: (1:52:45 AM) Hiroshi takes the ancient beef jerky out of some strange instinct before checking out the other containers and cupboards.
AlopexPlasma: (1:54:26 AM) With a whirring noise, something very fast clanks out of that cupboard in a blur of yellow, red, and blue, narrowly misses Hiroshi's face, and vanishes into the dining room.
ZebulonCrispi: (1:54:34 AM) Valvatorez: "That was it!"
Badge: (1:54:49 AM) Hiroshi: You get it! I'm still recovering from the freaking HEART ATTACK!
Badge: (1:55:03 AM) He does, indeed, seem rather shaken by that. Also, pressed against the wall.
AlopexPlasma: (1:55:10 AM) Oh hey.
AlopexPlasma: (1:55:21 AM) Look what's on the opposite wall.
AlopexPlasma: (1:55:29 AM)¤t=isthisreallytheoccasionforpoetry.jpgHurricaneChris04: (1:55:31 AM) Shirou, still dripping wet, gives chase.
AlopexPlasma: (1:55:55 AM) The parrot goes from the dining room to the main hold.
Badge: (1:56:12 AM) That's... reassuring. And yet once he recovers his wits, he writes this down.
HurricaneChris04: (1:56:33 AM) Yep, still chasing.
AlopexPlasma: (1:56:41 AM) Back into the kitchen
ZebulonCrispi: (1:56:41 AM) Valvatorez is close behind!
AlopexPlasma: (1:57:34 AM) (1:58:12 AM) This is ridiculous. He looks to see if there's a sack he can empty.
AlopexPlasma: (1:58:32 AM) "WHAT'S MY NAME"
AlopexPlasma: (1:58:37 AM) "WHAT'S MY NAME"
HurricaneChris04: (1:58:56 AM) Shirou doubles back and chases from a different direction now that Valvatorez is also in pursuit.
AlopexPlasma: (1:59:36 AM) The parrot crashes into him and keeps going.
AlopexPlasma: (1:59:49 AM) It's pretty heavy.
AlopexPlasma: (1:59:54 AM) And.... sharp?
AlopexPlasma: (2:00:03 AM) "SAY MY NAME"
ZebulonCrispi: (2:00:21 AM) Valvatorez: "This parrot is no slouch!"
Badge: (2:00:56 AM) Hiroshi: I SWEAR to God if that thing's name is Polly...
HurricaneChris04: (2:01:12 AM) Shirou: "What the hell?!"
AlopexPlasma: (2:01:15 AM) "BZZT BZZT INCORRECT"
Badge: (2:01:27 AM) Hiroshi goes to check the dining room while the others go on their wild parrot chase.
AlopexPlasma: (2:01:33 AM) (It sideswipes him on the next pass through)
AlopexPlasma: (2:01:43 AM) (Blood may be drawn)
Badge: (2:01:47 AM) Hiroshi: Ow!
AlopexPlasma: (2:02:28 AM) The dining room contains a table and chairs.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:02:30 AM) Valvatorez: "We need to figure out its name!"
AlopexPlasma: (2:02:35 AM) On the table are candlesticks.
AlopexPlasma: (2:02:57 AM) They've tipped over, though.
AlopexPlasma: (2:03:06 AM) It's a shipwreck, after all.
Badge: (2:03:17 AM) Hiroshi goes to check the candlesticks.
AlopexPlasma: (2:03:37 AM) They're silver.
AlopexPlasma: (2:03:43 AM) Pretty good quality.
AlopexPlasma: (2:04:03 AM) They have an ivy motif.
Badge: (2:04:26 AM) ...okay, well he's not above looting. Into the backpack they go.
AlopexPlasma: (2:04:28 AM) "WHAT'S MY NAME?"
Badge: (2:08:04 AM) Hiroshi looks around the dining room for any other relevant details.
AlopexPlasma: (2:08:43 AM) Under the table is a skeletal hand.
Badge: (2:08:49 AM) Yeeek.
Badge: (2:11:41 AM) Hiroshi decides that's enough of THIS room. He exits, looking to see where else he can go.
AlopexPlasma: (2:13:13 AM) If he feels up to navigating around the hole in the bottom of the hold, there's a few more doors on the far side
Badge: (2:14:01 AM) He swallows. Okay, he can do this. Just... gotta hope Octobuddy down there doesn't notice him. He begins to navigate around the hole. Carefully.
AlopexPlasma: (2:14:29 AM) Something grabs his ankle!
AlopexPlasma: (2:14:37 AM) It's a palm-sized octopus.
AlopexPlasma: (2:14:50 AM) No movement from the big one.
Badge: (2:14:52 AM) "YEARGH!" ...oh, that's...
AlopexPlasma: (2:15:10 AM) It attempts to climb up his leg.
Badge: (2:15:22 AM) He tries to shake it off.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:15:32 AM) Valvatorez: "I wonder if its larger friend is somewhere nearby..."
AlopexPlasma: (2:15:45 AM) Little bastard has suckers. It's not going off easy.
AlopexPlasma: (2:16:02 AM) It's clinging on like the world's fugliest kitten.
Badge: (2:16:06 AM) He decides to ignore it until he's in a less dangerous location. He makes his way across as best he can.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:16:47 AM) Valvatorez: "Hiroshi, I leave this floor in your capable hands!"
AlopexPlasma: (2:16:49 AM) By that time, the octopus is halfway up his back.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:16:58 AM) Valvatorez: "I'm going to have a chat with a sea monster."
Badge: (2:17:37 AM) Hiroshi: Greeeeat.
Badge: (2:17:49 AM) He reaches around to his back and yanks at the sucker.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:17:52 AM) "Best of luck!"
ZebulonCrispi: (2:17:57 AM) Valvatorez leapdives into the hole.
AlopexPlasma: (2:18:07 AM) The parrot's still circling around like clockwork.
AlopexPlasma: (2:18:23 AM) Now the minipus is on his hand.
AlopexPlasma: (2:18:36 AM) Quite a grip.
AlopexPlasma: (2:19:07 AM) Under the seaaaaa, there's a big old hole in the side of the hold.
Badge: (2:19:22 AM) He puffs. Ugh. As he shakes his hand to try to get the thing to leggo already, he looks around to see where else he can go now that he's on the other side of this.
AlopexPlasma: (2:19:33 AM) There's a lot of octopi of varying sizes cuddled up in there.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:19:48 AM) Val swims into the heart of the octonest!
AlopexPlasma: (2:19:52 AM) One of them is missing a few tentacles.
AlopexPlasma: (2:20:47 AM) There's also a lotta crates in there.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:20:49 AM) The biggest one, perchance?
AlopexPlasma: (2:20:54 AM) Most are covered in octopi.
AlopexPlasma: (2:21:19 AM) One would assume so, but it's actually one of the runners up for Octoboss!
AlopexPlasma: (2:21:29 AM) One of them isn't actually inside.
AlopexPlasma: (2:22:17 AM) There's a tentacle as big around as Val himself just kinda trailing in from the hole in the side.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:22:47 AM) Well, let them do as they please. Until the octopods react, he's going to check the crates for Anemoi.
AlopexPlasma: (2:24:06 AM) Crate one! Waterlogged tea.
AlopexPlasma: (2:24:44 AM) Crate two! Is that hardtack....?
AlopexPlasma: (2:25:11 AM) Crate three! Some sort of ivory..?
AlopexPlasma: (2:25:43 AM) The octopi are getting kinda restless....
ZebulonCrispi: (2:26:45 AM) MORE CRATES.
Badge: (2:26:47 AM) Speaking of octopi, Hiroshi has given up on the damn thing for the time being and is checking out any doors up here.
AlopexPlasma: (2:27:21 AM) He's found the crew bunkroom!
AlopexPlasma: (2:27:33 AM) There's tattered hammocks and sea chests all over.
Badge: (2:27:46 AM) He checks the chests.
Badge: (2:27:58 AM) ...he might be absent-mindedly petting the octopus while he does this.
AlopexPlasma: (2:28:48 AM) They contain mostly sailor-y clothes.
AlopexPlasma: (2:29:10 AM) (The octopus makes a happy octopus noise, whatever the hell that sounds like)
AlopexPlasma: (2:29:17 AM) There's a few....
AlopexPlasma: (2:29:22 AM) ....magazines.........
Badge: (2:29:35 AM) Hiroshi turns beet red and pointedly ignores them.
AlopexPlasma: (2:30:03 AM) a harmonica or two
AlopexPlasma: (2:30:11 AM) carving knives
AlopexPlasma: (2:30:16 AM) wood carvings
AlopexPlasma: (2:30:28 AM) A box.
Badge: (2:30:33 AM) Box...?
HurricaneChris04: (2:30:39 AM) Shirou: "What's in the box?"
Badge: (2:30:48 AM) Hiroshi jumps. Gah, he didn't see you there, man!
AlopexPlasma: (2:31:20 AM) It's wooden and square!
Badge: (2:31:30 AM) He tries to muster as much dignity as he can. "I... guess we'll find out." He moves to open it.
AlopexPlasma: (2:31:33 AM) It's not really clear how it opens.
Badge: (2:31:39 AM) Oh. Swell. He turns it around.
AlopexPlasma: (2:32:02 AM) There's an alternating pattern of dark and light wood.
Badge: (2:32:39 AM) Hey... "Can you tell what kind of wood something is by touching it?"
HurricaneChris04: (2:33:26 AM) "I can try." Shirou tries to analyze the box.
AlopexPlasma: (2:33:51 AM) It's one of those sliding puzzle boxes.
AlopexPlasma: (2:35:24 AM) In magivision, it's pretty apparent that it opens by pressing hard on the sides and scooting the top off from between them.
HurricaneChris04: (2:35:55 AM) Shirou: "We need to push the sides and slide the top off."
Badge: (2:36:09 AM) Hiroshi: Can you do it? i'm sort of, uh...
Badge: (2:36:18 AM) He raises his hand, indicating his octopus pet sorta thing.
HurricaneChris04: (2:36:46 AM) Shirou gives it a wary look and just. Does it.
AlopexPlasma: (2:37:12 AM) The box contains another box!
AlopexPlasma: (2:37:19 AM) One with a comination lock!
AlopexPlasma: (2:37:23 AM) *combination
HurricaneChris04: (2:37:41 AM) Shirou: "...Hey, didn't you find a series of numbers before?"
Badge: (2:37:47 AM) Hiroshi: 8138.
HurricaneChris04: (2:38:07 AM) Shirou promptly puts that into the lock.
AlopexPlasma: (2:38:16 AM) It doesn't work
AlopexPlasma: (2:38:22 AM) Because the lock is broken.
AlopexPlasma: (2:38:27 AM) Just clonks right off.
Badge: (2:38:35 AM) Hiroshi: ...
Badge: (2:38:42 AM) He facepalms with his non-octopus hand.
HurricaneChris04: (2:38:57 AM) Shirou: "Ooookay. I'm...not going to complain about that twist."
AlopexPlasma: (2:39:16 AM) A school of red herring swims by outside.
Badge: (2:40:38 AM) Hiroshi: *still scritching the octopus* Okay, so what's in THAT one?
HurricaneChris04: (2:40:45 AM) Opening time
HurricaneChris04: (2:40:49 AM) *!
AlopexPlasma: (2:41:02 AM) The answer is your long-awaited anemoi!
AlopexPlasma: (2:41:48 AM) Not all that much for four people, though. It's a small box.
HurricaneChris04: (2:42:15 AM) Shirou: "That's one down. Now, how the heck do we go about catching that parrot?"
Badge: (2:42:25 AM) Hiroshi... was actually sort of hoping for a name for the parrot somehow. "Good question."
AlopexPlasma: (2:46:47 AM) MEANWHILE, UNDERWATER
AlopexPlasma: (2:48:24 AM) An octopus shifts, and behind crate #4 is a semi-classic lookin' treasure chest with yet another combination lock on it.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:49:41 AM) Valvatorez wasn't around during the puzzle solving, so he just grabs the whole chest for now!
AlopexPlasma: (2:50:38 AM) An octopus tries to grab it.
AlopexPlasma: (2:51:23 AM) It's one of the smaller mid-sized ones, at least.
Badge: (2:51:28 AM) Hiroshi takes another look at the poem in his notebook. Wait... it didn't look QUITE like...
ZebulonCrispi: (2:51:32 AM) None of that! Valvatorez will kick it away as he heads out of octocove and back towards the rest of the wreck, keeping an eye out for monstropus.
Badge: (2:51:45 AM) He heads back to where he saw it, an inkling in his mind.
AlopexPlasma: (2:51:54 AM) His flight is otherwise uneventful!
Badge: (2:53:33 AM) He looks at the poem. He's still not -- hmm. He stares at the parrot. "Hey! Your name... it's DINA, isn't it?
AlopexPlasma: (2:54:03 AM) "DINA"
AlopexPlasma: (2:54:04 AM) "DINA"
AlopexPlasma: (2:54:15 AM) It lands on his octopus-free hand.
Badge: (2:54:34 AM) Wow. He has some seriously occupied hands.
AlopexPlasma: (2:55:07 AM) Now that it's not in constant motion, it's looking a little...
AlopexPlasma: (2:55:10 AM) clockwork.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:55:31 AM) As he leaves, Valvatorez leaves a sardine for the octopus that wanted the treasure chest.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:55:33 AM) Common courtesy.
Badge: (2:55:36 AM) Hiroshi: So that's it. It's a password of some sort.
AlopexPlasma: (2:56:13 AM) The parrot clanks its head to one side.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:56:13 AM) Valvatorez: "I'm back!"
Badge: (2:56:43 AM) Hiroshi is the weirdest damn sight. He has an octopus on one hand and a mechanical parrot on the other.
ZebulonCrispi: (2:57:03 AM) Valvatorez takes it in stride. "I found this suspicious-looking chest. I don't have the combination, though."
HurricaneChris04: (2:57:45 AM) Shirou: "Try 8138, I think."
ZebulonCrispi: (2:58:01 AM) He tries that!
AlopexPlasma: (2:58:33 AM) That's the one!
ZebulonCrispi: (2:58:43 AM) Valvatorez: "Well done, once again!"
HurricaneChris04: (2:59:10 AM) Shirou: "Actually, I didn't discover that combination."
ZebulonCrispi: (2:59:19 AM) Valvatorez: "Regardless."
ZebulonCrispi: (2:59:27 AM) Valvatorez: "It seems we have what we came for."
Badge: (2:59:49 AM) Hiroshi: I would be EXTREMELY for getting out at this point.
HurricaneChris04: (3:00:15 AM) Though Shirou first wants to see what's in the chest.
AlopexPlasma: (3:00:20 AM) The chest contains a lot of fine china in various states of complete to shattered as well as enough anemoi to round their current stash out to a nicely respectable amount!
HurricaneChris04: (3:00:55 AM) Shirou: "Okay. Yeah. Let's get out of here."
HurricaneChris04: (3:01:12 AM) He goes and grabs Rin, carrying her piggyback.
ZebulonCrispi: (3:01:30 AM) Valvatorez: "Indeed. It would be best to be scarce when that sea monster comes back."
ZebulonCrispi: (3:01:37 AM) Valvatorez: "I'll leave the young lady in your capable hands."
Badge: (3:03:10 AM) Hiroshi: I wonder how the old guy knew about this mechanical parrot, though...
Hiroshi, Rin, Shirou, and Valvatorez returned successfully from their outing with 4% anemoi each as well as some misc. loot and a baby octopus. Rin incurred tentacle-related injuries and is expected to tsun make a full recovery.