Nov 21, 2011 23:28
So guess what! I've found some anemoi. I didn't even t8ke them all for myself!
Who wants to pl8y a g8me?
I remem8ered a gr8 g8me I used to pl8y when I was younger. If anyone's interested in learning more a8out it, they should let me know, and I'll get a session going.
If that's not enough to pique your curiosity, well, that's why I mentioned those anemoi 8efore. You'll get a 8ig pile of them just for showing up!!!!!!!! It'll all 8e part of the g8me. All you need to do is pl8y along and eng8ge in a little friendly cultural exch8nge.
Do I have any t8kers?
[Mission recruitment!
-What: Playing a rousing game of FLARP with Vriska as the gamemaster. FLARP is not a nice game.
-Genre: Survival horror, adventure. Expect less fighting and more puzzle solving and hiding.
-Power level: Low. Ultra-powerful characters not recommended, no powers required at all. Young characters a plus.
-When: Some time in the next week or so.
-Hiroshi: Should get in on this.
Finally a mission for you people who aren't insane badasses. Let's get this shit organized!]
caren ortensia,
danny fenton,
mami tomoe,
vriska serket