Oct 16, 2011 10:31
...--lly weird, what am I supposed to do with this? [giant closeup of Palom's right eye] This is so dumb, the dumbest thing that's ever happened, if I'm gonna be kidnapped and brainwashed it should be somewhere cool like a giant mountain made of cake, who even kidnaps little kids and forces them into slave labor, I bet this is some kind of conspicacy! [cuts into unwelcome view up his nostrils] Well, the great Palom's not gonna stand for it! I'll crush 'em all the minute I remember what sort of amazing fighting I can do! I bet it's ninja-tech. Ninjas are the coolest. [at this point, Palom appears to lick the screen for some reason before spitting and making a face] Well, that's definitely not candy.
What the heck is this thing? [horrifying static as he shakes it] This is the worst Sight spell ever; whichever mage thought this was a good design really needs some remedial lessons. [somehow, he manages to hit the off button as he's messing around]
[Are you having a peaceful, quiet, relaxing day? Well, you're not anymore! Palom stands right outside the apartments, cheerfully approaching anyone coming in and out with a bright smile on his innocent face.]
Hi! My name is Palom and I really desperately need those knee-moi things 'cause I'm a little kid and I'm way too helpless and stuff to get them on my own so I'm really, really nicely asking you to give me everything you have and then when I remember everything I promise I'll help you find more if I'm not too busy rescuing all of us and kicking whoever brought us here in the butt 'cause I'm definitely some sort of prodigy super-paladin-sage or something but I don't remember right now so the best way to find out is if you give me all your knee-moi! It's really fair, right? Please please please please please maybe just one?
[To add variety, he may occasionally be dropping down off the overhang to land on top of unsuspecting victims.]
mokona (soel),
yuri petrov,
joachim valentine,