i was waiting down at the ancient gate.

Apr 05, 2009 15:40

Ok, so I'm bad at keeping this updated just like I knew I would be. Apparently it's been sixteen weeks since I last updated. Oops.... It's also probably been ages since I commented - I'm such an awful LJ friend.

I blame it mostly on the fact that nothing very interesting ever happens to me. I am learning to drive which is really quite terrifying but also really fun at the same time. The sort of thing that's really stressful when your actually doing it, but when you stop you just want to try again. The only thing that isn't fun is the parallel parking - I swear when I've passed my test I'm going to avoid doing that EVER again.

I've also been sucked in by 'Dexter', which completely isn't my fault - I'm doing a forensic science extra-curricular course and our teacher is obsessed by it which is fine by us because we don't really want to do any work anyway. We did do a practical last week, however, where we turned 2p coins gold using like 6 molar sodium hydroxide (for a school that's really quite strong). That was pretty cool. And so, of course, I've had to order the DVDs (on sale though, so it's not all bad).

I also ordered some Battlestar Galactica DVDs after hearing heaps and heaps of praise for it - it sounds like my kind of show - does anybody watch it? Is it as good as the reviews will have you believe? I've been totally spoiled for the entire show by my online researching but I don't care - I always arrive late to fandoms, consider the evidence:
  • Buffy (just as Season 7 began to air in the UK)
  • Firefly (like two years after it was cancelled)
  • The OC (really silly but fun, got Season 1 just as it was cancelled)
  • Spooks (seen bits of series 3 and 4 but started to properly watch in series 5, only four years after it started..... though I was probably a bit young to be watching series 1 and 2!)
Basically, I'm always behind on what's airing (which gives me a nice excuse for getting the DVDs).

In other news, I missed seeing Vincent and Flavia (from Strictly Come Dancing) when they came to our shopping centre to celebrate it's first birthday because they came on a Friday. And I was at college. :(

Tomorrow my friend is having a 24 hour Disney Filmathon - which I've agreed to attend but there is no way I will not fall asleep. As long as I get to see Lilo and Stitch I'll be fine (I've never seen it but I am completely obsessed with Stitch - he's mutant and he's blue and I want one). I don't function well on no sleep and we keep getting reminder emails that we're supposed to be revising over the holiday.... :(

It's quite sad that that's all the news I have. Now self, repeat after me: I will update more regularly, I will update more regularly... It's also probably been ages since I commented - I'm such an awful LJ friend. And the grade for this term is: must try harder. :)

tv:dexter, tv:battlestargalactica, personal:driving

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