Mar 14, 2004 19:19
okay, so I just got home from the cruise like almost 2 hours ago. it was pretty fucking fun. some boring times, but I knew there would be. I would just like to say though, that I fucking love mexico. I mean, I've been before, but it's so much better with a friend. we met a really nice couple who bought us drinks the second night and then bought us 2 bottles of vodka last night which was terrific.
and cozumel and progresso were badass. and tiffany bought 2 fun fun things tehehe. and there was a lot of hothothot foreign boys and a couple really fucking cute european girls on the ship. and belize is the cooolest fucking place ever and I wanna move there. oh and yesterday tiffany ran straight into a fucking pole and it was one of the greatest moments ever. and it made my day. well, that and the vodka. buttt there were a few bad things, such as, running out of cigarettes on like friday, but we got more yayyyy, and how there was one hot guy on the whole ship who wasn't part of the crew and he turned out to be some lame garland kid, and how 90% of the people there were from plano/richardson, and how my parents totally knew we were drunk twice at least, and how my mom knows EVERYTHING, and how we didn't get the vodka until the last night. ya I think that's almost all of the bad things. anyways, me and tiffany were definitely the coolest people on the cruise. so, I took pictures but I'll post those tomorrow because I'm far too lazy right now, and my mom is psycho. okay bye.