May 03, 2005 17:09
i am officially finished with photo for the semester. this means i can actually breathe, sleep, and eat stress-free now.
so! as soon as i leave the lab i'm going to go to the apartment, drop off my photo stuff, and go find food. i had a little bit of stuff to munch on during expressive showing, but other than that i haven't eaten all day and i'm ravenous. i'm thinking cinco de mayo and mexican food would be good.
after that! a new episode of gilmore girls! and i bought season three today (sam, we're going to have to have a marathon of it one day after i get back from hawaii), but i'm not allowed to watch any of it without mom. after that, i'm going to hang out with daniella (who's coming to halau this weekend!) and cindy, which is always nice.
speaking of halau, would any of you be interested in coming to practice and giving it a try? i personally think everyone should do hula, but that's just because i'm so addicted. but it's a physical workout with education thrown in and a bunch of great people who all know how to cook. so, let it just be said, i think everyone should try hula at least once.
food time now. bye!