Aug 10, 2005 18:28
Ow bist me babber? Ows ee?
Ast ee got a mo I'll tell ee a storay
'bout a proper gem in this old britten
Cum ta me 'ome and thees be smitten
Bristle is a proud inglish sittay
P'raps the best place in the cuntray
Ar istree is a real gert longen mind
A more varied place yawl be hard ta find
Ise reckon wwm the best in da west
Ar natral istree can pass any screen test
But some people says we lacks fings cultral?
I says look at the ippadroam and the colsnawl!
The ship-shape reggatal always draws a crowd
An the balloon fiestal is biggen colourful an loud
Roun' the wurld ar musik seen is real famous to all
An the blimmin younay has kis from Americawl!
Annus ad a mixed 'eritage of sorts an the undustrial revlushun
werkin' miners inBemmie, Kingswood an annum
Yesterday's engineering, spenshun bridge - ending wif concorde
She were gert mint - Bristle's real top bird
Nowadays sissis bleedin spensive to live 'ere
Lundun's office wallahs cum down to where the air's clear
Bars fer pole dancin' an the Whiteladies strip fer foolin' round
Wees got pub that even takes the pink pound!
But gibbin me all the gawld in inglan'
an 'onestly mate, I wunt goway
Me art un 'ome is 'ere
Wifva pleece 'orse yous not drag away!
So fansay cummin to see us me cocker?
Ave a few in the Ostrich or the old Llandogger
Ta feel at 'ome you don't 'ave to be an inzider
Just get rid of yer swell and cum down town for a cider.