logging updates !

May 23, 2007 12:11

Nothing much to be logged about  these days. Either I feel like updating when I am not near an internet network, or when I begin to update I feel there wasnt much to write/crib about. Into a new project with higher responsibilities and role, so I dont get enough time to think and reflect about things happening around.

When nothing new happens, its nice when past sneaks in. Yesterday, got a call from 
behappynlife . Its been sometime I heard from her. Tch Tch, people get ultra busy these days post marriage ! Now that she is here in India for a vacation, this is one more reason for me to take a break in June and be in chennai. Somehow, its a mixed feeling, thinking about meeting her after nearly 2 years, bcos I it makes me sad to think that I would again be missing her after she is gone back. I have got used to a life without her physical presence, but then again to meet her, laugh with her, hang out with her, eat with her, share moments like old times, and then let her go leaving me behind is pain. I would have to go through the phase of missing her once again ! Life is such a mixed bag !

We had a quick recap of our college days together and also the post college days at chennai. There is sudden release of energy when you think about younger days and again sadness creeps in, when you realize its part of a past which you can never go back to, than in memories :(

Today morning, one of my friends showed me a pic of a prospective groom and I felt I have seen him somewhere. When we googled up for his name, we found he had an LJ id and I realized he is a friend of my LJ friends. Small World !

I am stressed at work, and many other things. I am planning to go out with buddies tonight for a mid-week party.  I hope they all make it irrespective of my short notice. Yeah, they all are sweet and I am blessed to have them around.

Today is the first time, I carried my Canon S3 IS to take some pictures. The camera is getting a little difficult to carry  around though. But I am sure, once I take some real pictures, I would love my camera more, irrespective of hanging out with a bulky thing :P

friends, camera

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