what has been happening lately...

Apr 02, 2009 14:05

a lot actually...
  • kkotboda namja and meichan no shitsuji has kept me busy lately. but now that they've finally aired their finale episodes, there's this emptiness looming around. will have not much to look forward to anymore.. they made mondays fun for me.
  • skip beat, hetalia, special A and junjou romantica for my anime fix
  • antique, the culmination of my Yaoi phase. joo ji hoon and waffle sunki yumyumyum
  • le maison en petit cubes - made me cry. its 12mins and without dialogues.. amazing!
  • dash games (diner dash, farm frenzy, etc.) kept me busy while  waiting for the kbn and meichan episodes.
  • back-to-back birthday celebrations - like 1 every 2 weeks.  most of us are pisceans ;)
  • several quizzes on facebook including - how will i die? - i will get shot according to facebook
  • still anticipating NewS activities - Koi no ABO in particular (i just saw the Covers in news_jpop and i still hate Pi's hair, prodai hair comeback please)
  • fangirling Super Junior, Dong hae and Kyu hyun, dong hae cause he's just too cute and kyu hyun cause i love his voice in let's not -_- and i can now recite all of the names of the 13 members whew! - sorry sorry, reset, why i like you and let's not  - i love!
  • and of course, work work work
  • oh and my upcoming nihonggo lessons with tina-oneechan
now we're looking at new dramas to watch... hmmm... hotshot maybe for showlo and wuchun but only half heartedly cause i dont really like jerry yan...

well there... that's it so far


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