Dec 10, 2005 19:30
i'm watching sin city. isn't that exciting?
i didn't wake up until 2pm this afternoon, and i'll be up until at least 2:30 am working. yeah.
two people here are annoying the shit outta me.
naty being one. everytime i talk to her she goes on and on about her man friend chris. so i figured, at first, since she talked about her guys all the time it was ok for me to talk to her about the guy i like...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooh no.
If she even thinks I'm thinking about him she's like "don't even start, you talk about him and it annoys me."
so whatever, fuck her.
number two i can't talk about cause she's here with me...oh boy is she driving me insane...