Nov 02, 2005 10:09
people are so fucking unnecessary with their treatment of others.
so i've been getting irate phone calls all morning from this Janet Young woman telling me that basically I'm an idiot because her son was supposed to get two packages from Best Buy and WHY HASN'T HE RECEIVED THEM YET?
Like I'm supposed to fucking know?
Then I get another call. "Is your last name Young as well, Anne?" I told her it was, "well I'm looking at a paper that says YOU signed for his packages. WHERE'D YOU PUT THEM?!" I told her I would have put them in the mail room, there's no place else to put them. She acted as if I was completely retarded in the head.
Then after all her bitching and being stupid to me I check the mail room three times, I tell John, cause I don't fucking know. Then I remember the two packages that have yet to be sent back. They are for a Janet Joyce in 421. We have no fucking Janet Joyce in 421...421 is full of boys. Then on top of that we have no Janet Joyce PERIOD.
Well her stupid stupid idiot of a son, Max, lives in 421. Her name is Janet. So I asked John. Max comes skipping into the picture all happy and stupid because he's high on something. "Janet Joyce? That's my MOM!" Stupid fucks. If she could have MENTIONED to me that it was labeled for HER! I mean it's not like it's hard to realize, if she was looking at the papers that said I signed for them it would say the Mailing Address too, which would say JANET JOYCE!
Why did he have to get all bitchy with me yesterday? Why did she have to call me THREE times today? All they had to do was address it to Max or tell me that it was addressed to his MOTHER. We don't give out mislabeled packages cause they might actually be for the person they're labeled for. BAH!
Their atittudes towards me were completely unnecessary. Stupid people who think they're in the right to bitch at others and try to make them feel stupid and subordinate.