So my grandma made me
Gazpacho today. It's my favourite summer dish, because it's kind of the perfect mix between healthy and delicious. It's pure perfection and I swear I can feel all its vitamins making me healthier, stronger, taller, brightening my skin and even whitening my teeth.
I'm not exaggerating. Much.
I love when it's creamy and you can eat it with dicey vegetables as a summer soup.
And I love it when it's smooth and you can drink it like a cocktail.
I love Gazpacho so much, that we even had it in our wedding, a Strawberry's Gazpacho Sorbet as first course. It was delicious.
I know, I know. This post has no relevance whatsoever, but I wanted to share my happiness with you, guys. My Grandma cooks heavenly and I'm full of gazpacho and happiness right now!
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