OK, this is what happens when I go with the Husband to the Cinema.
After six movies and fourteen books (literally fourteen, he's bought me both the Spanish and the English version of every Harry Potter book in existence), the saga ends, and II was a little emotional, wiping a tear away while we exited the cinema. It was a gorgeous movie, though the epilogue sucked, and I still think what an amazing work of art Alonso Cuarón would have directed instead, but whatever, that's not the point. We were almost out, and I made the rookie mistake of asking him what he thinks about the movie.
Husband, contemplative: "Now I understand your fascination with Snape."
Me, totally excited: "Yes!!! He's the best character ever! Didn't I tell you?"
Husband, kind of tired: "Just one thousand times, or so."
Me, feeling vindictive: "He was the real hero. He totally deserved better, and I'll never understand why he wasn't one of the dead that appeared to Harry. Snape protected the kid so much better that Sirius ever did."
Husband, grimacing: "Well, that would have been a somewhat awkward situation, don't you think? What with James being there, and all."
Me, bemused: "What do you mean awkward?"
Husband, all Duh!: "Dear, it doesn't matter how dead he was. Had Snape as much as showed his face, James'd have totally killed him again. At the very least."
Me, all O_O: "I don't understand you."
Husband, thoughtful: "And you can't blame the dude, really. I imagine he wasn't expecting it, either."
Me, even more O_O: "Expecting what?"
Husband, even more Duh!: "That Snape was Harry's actual father."
And no matter how hard I tried to explain him that no, Harry was totally James' son, he refused to believe me. And I tried, believe me. For two hours, minimum. I gave him proof, and told him details of the novels, and we had a vehement argument over dinner (the waiter has strong opinions on Harry Potter too, and he wasn't shy sharing them with us. It's a good thing we're usual customers and they love us at that restaurant).
It didn't matter. He's totally convinced Harry is Severus and Lily's kid.
And I'm starting to like his version better that the canon one.
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