New Fic: The Taming of the Shrew.

May 10, 2011 13:15

Here at last!

Guys, let me introduce you to the second installment of my Mer!verse: The Taming of the Shrew.

Title: The Taming of the Shrew.
Word-Count: 20 310.
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Adam/Kris.
Disclaimer: This portrayal is entirely fictional. Not for profit, just for our entertainment.
Warnings: High levels of crack. Mpreg. Part Two of my Mer!verse, so you should probably read “Too Mer To Woo Peaceably”. Otherwise, this fic would make even less sense.
Betas: My delicious
jerakeen and
akavertigo are awesome ladies. They wrestled with adjectives and beat commas into submission, and more importantly, they made the plot interesting. Without them, this would suck a lot more.
Notes: I’m not even going to try to justify myself. I wanted to write something meaningful, but this happened, instead. Why should I try to resist the crack if it makes me happy?

Summary: Kris thought he was honestly prepared for anything after Adam came home with six bags of prunes to prevent constipation, and tried to make him dry swallow a box of antacids: ‘Just in case, Kris, the books say heartburn is painful’. Kris should have remembered the courtship, and never let down his guard.

You just have to go to
kradamadness and read. Go and tell me what do you think!

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fic, kradam

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