Apr 11, 2010 11:38
Howdy-do, newcomers.
Now, Kururugi. I need you for something, unless his Highness has stolen you. I know princes need a lot of entertaining, after all. But when you get a minute, holler.
[And with that rather brief message, the feed cuts out.]
[PRIVATE: Schneizel]
[Hackability Rate: Very Difficult]
[... Unless you are Schneizel, of course. Lloyd frowns, tapping his fingers against the table he is leaning on, thinking about how to go about saying this. Eventually, he decides that straight-up would be best. It's not like the prince would simply laugh it off; after all, he was the one who tried to convince Lloyd he'd been nearly drowned by some siren.]
Your Highness, there's something about one of the residents here that I think you might find interesting.
!c: schneizel el britannia,
curiousity might kill the lloyd yet,
!c: suzaku kururugi,
whar's my devicer,
.hr: very difficult,
when you wish upon the north star...,
schneizel like a boss,
he cares about you aaaaall