Am I bugging you?

Aug 22, 2005 17:53

Was gonna do an audio update from outside this afternoon so that everyone who doesn't live with cicadas during the summer could understand exactly what that means... Don't get me wrong.. I love them... To me, they are an inseparable part of Southern culture, but they can literally drive people crazy who aren't used to them... And they are so pretty, too... (sarcasm)

Girls particularly hate them because they can be 3 to 4 inches long and can very EASILY get caught in your hair... And they can be heard for up to a mile away so imagine something like that caught right next to your ear...

When I was little we used to take their hollow skins that they leave on trees when they molt and hook them to our clothing... Their feet have these little sharp hooks on them and they'll stick to anything, practically...

Cicada Skins got Baked Cicada appeal, cuz their made with cicadas and skins that are real!

ANYWAY, I was going to do that, but the weather here is SHIT. We keep getting these horrendous rainstorms in the afternoon/night... I love storms and all, but enough is enough... Oh, well... I'm not out in it so I'll enjoy it..

Today was the first day of school, which is always a blast (again, sarcasm). We are horribly low on parking at CSU so the first couple of weeks of classes are always hell when trying to park. And there are freshmen EVERYWHERE... all eager and shit... Which is cool in a way, but if you are in a bad mood, then they can be SO annoying...

My friend told me how skinny I am today... Which is ok, I guess.. I like her a lot, but people really think nothing of going on and on about I'm "too skinny"... I would never - EVER - go up to someone and be like, "Wow... You are HUGE! What happened?!?!?! Jesus Christ you're fat..." So why is it ok to do that when someone is skinny? I'm working out three days a week (for the past 2 years) and I've drank enough protein shakes to kill a horse... My medication made me loose about 12lbs and I'm having trouble putting it back on... I've spoken to my dr and he says I'm not UNDER weight (which I kinda disagree with)... ANYWAY, so I had to explain all this which is getting tiresome... I would love to weigh a little more, but I'm past the point of thinking I'm TOO skinny now... Like, it used to bother me on a daily basis, but I just can't worry about that now... Eh... ANYWAY...

In tonight's top story... I'm having pecan rice for dinner... and a tofurkey sandwich... Yeah, it's a slow news day...


Wait there IS news! Well, ok... this isn't news, but I thought it was really cool... because I'm a nerd...

I watched this insect show on National Geographic the other night and a good portion of it was devoted to Soldier Ants... The most fascinating thing about these ants is that when they bite you it's almost impossible for them to let go... You can even break off the body, leaving just the head, and it still won't let go... When they go "on the move" they can easily kill and eat a human if the human is for some reason immobalized... or a baby....

ANYWAY, I wish I could find a picture of this, because it was so cool... People in Africa use them as stitches... The host of the show actually got, like, 10 of them and let them bite him all in a row... He then broke off the bodies and had a perfect line of little ant heads locked onto his arm...

Soldier Ants
Check out those mandables...

Heather - if you are reading this - Brian would have FREAKED over this show... They showed an army of these ants marching through the jungle... The group was literally 15 feet wide and 45 feet long... Talk about a SWARM...

soldier ants, cicadas, school, bugs, annoyed

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