I haven't been reading The Onion as much as I used to, as it wasn't as funny as it used to be for awhile. But this week's edition had me geniunely laughing out loud at work.
The first chuckle I got was from their American Voices, fake-man-on-the-street segment about the passing of Boris Yeltsin, where one of their fake respondents said:
"History will forever remember him as the man who helped bring Russia from one form of extreme corruption to another."
Too true.
But the best article was "
Even CEO Can't Figure Out How RadioShack Still In Business"
Preview: "Even the name 'RadioShack'-can you imagine two less appealing words placed next to one another?" Day said. "What is that, some kind of World War II terminology? Are ham radio operators still around, even? Aren't we in the digital age?"
Seriously. I guess here in Canada they've gotten around that by changing them to "The Source by Circuit City", and... they're failing massively. Anyway, you should probably all go click on that link and read the article, but don't have fluids in your mouth when you do so, unless you wish to spit on your screen.