Dec 05, 2005 01:01
i realized something this weekend...
hockey fuckin rules. after the icecats took it to weber state 2-1, the two teams proceeded to have a nice little brawl. we were up against the glass rileing them up, and two guys ended up fighting right there on the bench. so i've decided that i will join everyone else in going to these games every weekend and raggin on one player from the other team.
later that night i decided to participate in edward 40 hands, except i only used one hand, cause i wanted to be able to pee. (if you dont know, i'm not gonna be the one to tell you). i made a mistake and ended up drunker than drunker than busby berkly on a saturday night in the 1930's (thanks classics class). good news is that i made it to my bed and managed to end up passing out with music blaring, lights on and people talking very loud. mike's girlfriend apparently tucked me in and i woke up this morning wondering when i fell asleep, why the ladder wasn't up against the bed and how i fell asleep with so much noise.
so i'm coming home on DECEMBER 15TH mark your calendars...most of my days will be full but all of my nights will be free and i am down to kick it with whoever whenever. and i leave on january 9th, then if you want to hang out with me, you gotta wait till spring break or come to tucson.
finally, i would just like to add that persistence pays off (insightful thought)
finally finally, "to the hindenpeter!!" (humorous thought)