Why am I still dealing with this bullshit?

Aug 20, 2012 15:31

Since I last posted, Don emailed the student (CCd me on the email) and the student emailed back conceded defeat. He even emailed me separately thanking me for taking the time to look into everything. All too good to be true. I got this in my inbox this morning:

Hello Professor Goerish,
You have mentioned that "in good conscience" you could not change my final grade. I was wondering if i could change your mind by coming to your office and showing you substantial proof of my situation. I know i keep repeating my self and i know that donald already made his decision, but i am not sure i agree completely with his reasons. Let me start off with my grades. In my courses i received the following; B+, C+, D- and C-. through the point conversion i have a total of 27.4 points. When divided by the units attempted i receive a 1.95 GPA for the semester. I know i am asking for a lot but given the circumstances I believe asking for a D is not much. If  the D grade is given it will bump me up to 28.3 total points which will then be divided by the 14 units attempted allowing me to receive a 2.02 GPA and allowing me to remain in good academic standing. I want to come in and explain to you the situation and just maybe it is enough to allow such a small change in grade. I am positive that after hearing me out you would agree. I know its hard to show proof that I did indeed look for don during the summer, but all i have is my word which I know is worth a lot. I emailed him, and i showed up almost every other day hoping to catch him in his office. The fact that his mail box was full and the returned email attempts adds to the fact that i also even spoke with one of the other graduate students in the office where his desk is located. I do apologize if i have crossed any lines in sending you this message but I am at the mercy of your decision and I know that after I fill you in you will hopefully agree that I am a good student and I am deserving of this chance. I have already taken up enough of your time, again thank you for your time.
Best Regards,
Mr. Hardships

UGH. I was so fucking pissed off when I read this. Basically, in the email I sent him I said since I did not know what was said between him and Don I could not change his grade and that the decision was Don's and Don's alone.I can't fucking handle the lies. I was in the office almost everyday this semester and NEVER once saw him. Serious bullshit. This is what I sent back to him.

Hello Mr. Hardships,
As I do not know what was said between you and Don regarding this matter, I cannot make a final decision on this.  I suggest you arrange a meeting between yourself, Don and the chair of the department, SA (all of whom are CC'd on this email) to discuss it further. I also want to add that under our university contracts neither myself nor Don are obligated to respond to student emails or phone calls during the summer, which is why Don may not have returned your emails or calls. Again, if you have further questions regarding this, please contact Don and the chair of the department. 
Take care,

This is no longer my problem and never should have been my problem. Hopefully, he realizes that we are not budging on this. However, he *almost* had a case if he actually documented his exchanges with Don. It makes me very suspicious that he would just automatically put work in Don's box, why do the work if Don wasn't going to change the grade? Don seriously fucked up on this one.

So I then get this email from Don.

Something is obviously being left out in his dealings with you, just keeping you in the loop. I hope you got my email to him the other day. Bottom line: he didn't do any work for my part of the course, I let him turn in his writing assignments the last day of class and he never gave a final project. There is *no* way he deserves a bump in his grade that is so significant. If he had a problem, he needed an incomplete or to withdraw.
Anyway, sorry for the ongoing drama and the stress it has put on our relationship. I realize there is some tension between us and I hope you don't stay upset with me.
Thanks for keeping me up on this,

What a fucking little shit. Yeah, you're right, there is something being left out. THE FUCKING TRUTH WHICH NEITHER ONE IS OWNING UP TO YOU FUCKING LITTLE SHITS!!!! And what is this bullshit about "our relationship'? We were never friends and you never gave a flying fuck about what I had to say about anything. He just wants to save face so the entire department doesn't hate him. Well, too late, everyone already does.

Oh and my response to Don:

Hello Don,
Yes, I received that email. Thank  you for CC'ing me on it.
Take care,
I think that speaks volumes of what I think of him, his lies and his bullshit.

I caught SA in the hall today and he told me he would handle things from here. I'm really grateful that he is being supportive of me in this situation and that Don needs to be the one who handles this whole situation.

I just can't fucking believe I'm still dealing with this douchbaggery the start of the fall semester! UGH!

jerks, teaching

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