Bicycling Log: Week of 7/28/08

Aug 04, 2008 13:56

I am a bicycling GOD! Tremble before my awesomeness. MAN! I rode like a demon this week... There were a couple rides where I was averaging 17-18mph. On Wednesday I did 50 miles, split up in 20mi & 30mi segments.

Also, looks like my overall speed is improving. Up to 15.9mph despite such an intense week.

The week was not without its drama. On Saturday, I came into a corner too hot and my back wheel skidded out, sending me sprawling across the concrete. I gored up my right elbow pretty bad and bruised my hip. No broken bones, thankfully, and the damage to the bike was minimal (only a shredded back wheel to replace).

Naturally, the first thing I thought when I realized I crashed was, "Oh geez I hope Wendy is alright..."

After getting patched up by my loving parents whom rescued me, I immediately wanted to hop back onto the saddle, but resisted the urge for at least a day to rest up a bit and start healing.

Week of 7/28/08

Distance traveled: 164.7 mi
Time spent in motion: 10:18 hrs
Average speed: 15.9 mph
Maximum speed: 40.2 mph

Total miles logged on Wendy (Trek Pilot 5.0): 1272.8 mi

Total miles bicycled (since summer '07): 1943 mi

scary moments, biking

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