Dec 29, 2006 03:32
so my birthday is almost here! its on february twenty_second. Its gotta take after the current trend of a much better holiday than last year...i won't have it any other way. last year i was living in eric's honda in federal way, having to worry about if we would survive--one, because it was so flippin' cold and we had no heater in the car...second because trying to find somewhere to sleep and NOT have to wake up disoriented to the FWPD knocking on the window wanting to see our ID's) is a pain in the ass...and finally I had finally had as much as I could handle with my parents and their constant hypocricy. But not this year damn it. this year i want to get together with my friends and do something, anything. Even if its just sitting around like geeks doing nothing but geeky things. that in itself would be a good birthday...which is still better than my last. For thanksgiving i went with eric to bellingham and ate yum yum food cooked by sinfulyvain. its nice to be able to socialize with her again, since i have come to realize that i lost a friend.I really just wanted to be able to let her know that if i could do it all over, i would definately change things, and that I'm glad that we can continue (in a sense) where we left get up to date on the last year, and you get the point. Anyways, for Christmas this year, Eric was actually invited to my families get together. but get this, not only that, but he got presents too with his name on the tags which were set out with all the other presents. I hope that made him feel good, cause it made me feel good knowing that they finally gave him a glimmer of hope that he will (eventually) be totally accepted by them into our family. hehe..but i'm not sure thats such a good thing...but quickly i will move on since that will just get my brain going and all you'll hear is drama, family drama. NAH! Not this year. no way, no how.
Everything else is pretty much going about the same. I busted my ass a couple of months ago to get my job back working at wal-mart, and I did get hired and filled out my new hire paperwork and everything but the piss test. but it all went straight to hell because my id came up mysteriously "missing" and it curiously found its way back to me by "showing up" in vinces car after it was too late. Since wal-mart policy states that as a new hire, you have 24 hours from the time you leave your interview to take the piss test, and if for ANY reason they do not recieve the filled out paper that you take with you (which has the time marked on it so they know when your 24 hours starts) that all offers of employment that were extended to you are revoked. basically youre fucked. so make sure your piss test goes smooth and take the filled out form to them in the time period allowed and its smooth sailing back into the workforce for me. but no. didn't happen. I had gone on errands with my mom in vinces car the day before my interview and of course when the time came get to take my id. GO FIGURE...I SHOULD HAVE USED MY GIFT OF FAMILY FUCK OFF FORESIGHT AND HAD A PLAN-in case they pulled something but I just wasn't thinking they would revert to their viscious ways yet again. to make a long story short, kept the store manager informed on the situation(since he was my assisstant manager when i first worked a wal-mart and i had kept in touch with him) and went to the dmv to try to get atleast a temporary. I don't have any old expired one's and the time is ticking away as well as my excitedness about getting off my ass and actually earning money legally...or having money period for that matter. well, i walked out of the dmv at exactly 4:20 (lol) which was twenty minutes after the time marked on the paperwork. so i went straight to him and he and the other managers that were rooting for me discussed the situation and because of the potential that i had to rock their world, my world, and my customers worlds, they made an attempt to "bend the rules" for me again and see if there was anything they could do to keep me employed with them. they were to discuss with whomever they needed to and have a meeting in the morning. i was to call at 9 a.m. and get their final decision. i was so emotionally angry, sad, frustrated, ect. that i didn't even say thanks bye or anything when it was time to leave. i just started crying and walked out. I now have to wait exactly one year from that day...which is in november 2007 before i can even apply there again. when i called for their decision they said it's a rule that can't be bent. but hey, atleast they went that extra step to even discuss if it was a possibility. i didn't think they would be able to bend the rules for me again, since they have already done that twice when i worked there before. BUT, eddie the store manager did tell me as i left not to let my past, and my situation get to me because he would be waiting in one year to see my application. he wants me to work for him badly, and i want to work there badly. or work at all. but he says to take anyhting even fast food for now and return next november. sounds like a plan. would have made 9.50 starting with 90 day raise, and at my six months a position would be opened up to me that would be sweet and since its a promotion, along would come another raise. thats almost $12 an hour in six months time. do you know how much money that sounds like to someone who went from 32,000+ per year to being homeless for a almost a year and a half? shit, even minimum wage would rock.
so until then wal-mart..novembers rolling around the corner.
ahh...that was nice. to be able to get online and vent helps. so thank you amusement device for letting me do that (AND sticking around instead of moving so far away). And thanks to anyone else who actually was patient and gave a rats ass long enough to read all the way to the end. :0)
i may not post often but when i out. better get your reading glasses and comty chair. And don't forget to use some eyedrops.......or the printer (so you don't go blind from staring at the screen)