Mar 03, 2008 22:33
i wish i had more control over my emotions. i think im pretty good at appearing normal even when im feeling shitty. i usually just use the excuse that im tired from working so much, but most times i just find myself dwelling on a million little negative things. i really dont have much to be unhappy about lately, but i manage to bum myself out over nothing. i need a vacation really bad, i need to get away from thinking about life and stuff. it was so unbelievably nice outside today, i rode my bike down to mojos after work to meet jesse, erin, and beth. tomorrow night, a bunch of people from work are all supposed to hang out at james and jessica's house. i feel like i never see a lot of the people from work that i used to hang out with, so that should be fun. its going to get up to 74 degrees tomorrow, too bad theyre calling for thunderstorms in the evening.