Since I BSed typed too much on my
public blog I'm gonna keep it short here ^^;;;
With helps from my Bay Area buddies I was able to execute 2 photoshoots during my short stay in NorCal. One of them was with Nadia (
pho3nix )in her Perona costume from One Piece. This character is a gothic-lolita ghost princess with the special ability to split up into many ghosts in combat. The only weakness of this ghost princess is the fact that her true body remains unconscious and vulnerable during her summon of ghosts. For more information of this character please check out the
One Piece Wiki.
The shoot is about the Perona and her "Wonders Garden". On the technical side,
Multiple exposure was used on all of these shots to help portray the character. (instead of yoga XD)
We did a total of 7 setups, excluding omake. 1 was dropped since it wasn't helping the theme. m(_ _)m
1. Haunted Flower
5. Secret of the Garden
Thanks a lot Nadia for being the model and my friend Raymond for helping us out on the shoot!! ^___^)
For more info on our Perona Cosplay shoot please check out my
public blog entry.