Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth~~~~~~~~~~

Feb 19, 2010 21:42

 So I spent two whole days (or to be exact, about 36 hours) clearing AAI ME, and now that I've finished it (just 10 minutes ago), I'd like to jot down my thoughts of the game - before I start to forget or be affected by the discussions that I inevitably am gonna read. I'll make this up along the way I guess, I'm still reordering my thoughts.......

Case 1, Turnabout Visitor. As I've already played the demo, so nothing really surprising here, I guess. But seeing Edgey being pointed by a gun is plenty fun, haha. I see Winston Payne makes an appearance, and just like Phoenix, Miles has no idea who he is. Poor guy, really X"D. Anyway, it's seems like longer than your usual intro case, which is good. And it makes great entrance to the overall story that's to be revealed throughout the course of the game.

Case 2, Turnabout Airplanes. Here we have tied-up-Edgey *dances*. Unfortunately I was spoiled by unknowingly skimmed through a friend's blog, but oh well. Tied-up-Edgey is hawt =w=. This is the start of the series of images that I dub 'slim Edgey' - sort of a new feel to him, I guess. I can't wait to get my hands on the screenshots on, which I'll be doing right after I finish this. I originally thought that we'd be returning to the airport, seeing as the trailer has 2 scenes that weren't depicted in this case (the one that Kay said the door to the cargo hold is locked, and the one where Miles, Kay and Gumshoe pointing to where they saw 'someone' ran to). This is why I was kinda let down when I finished the game, knowing it really is over (I finished the final case thinking there's still more....). Well, anyway, one so-so case, glad we meet up with Franziska again. And why is it that I'm not surprised that there's a cameo of Sal Manella in the airport?

Case 3, The Kidnapped Turnabout. DAMN BUT PROTO BADGER IS SCARY. I swear I would've had a nightmare if I saw it in real life, what's with the hollow eyes and eerie smile. But yay for the returning of the badgers XD. And tied-up Edgey again \:D/~. Here we meet up with Kay, such an energetic gal, and isn't that Little Thief of hers awesome. Oh, and Ema! I don't think there's not much point to her appearance, maybe fanservice at best. I mean, all she did was showing the trail of footprints, but I guess there's no such thing as too much old characters re-appearing :"/. We can see the Gavinners' stage, and a sign that suggests Troupe Grammarye performed there too, which is great. But there's the question of why Edgey was asked to come to the stadium first before he went to the haunted house?

The trick that was used in the haunted house is once depicted in Detective Conan, which makes me wonder if it's that popular in real life (not one for magic shows). I especially have a hate relationship with this case, because it's one that forced me to use the walkthrough (for such silly reason too! ="=). It's where Lang was accusing the girl (whose name is temporarily forgotten), saying the father and the daughter met and planned up this whole thing together. We're supposed to point out that in actuality, 3 people planned the thing, but I didn't think of that and was trying to point out the girl can't have known the old man was her father. It cost me like 3 or more times game over (and I'm so glad the life bar is much longer in this game =__=), I was super frustrated and had to resort to walkthrough, despite having vowed not to touch it....oh well .__.''

Case 4, Turnabout Reminiscence. *insert fangirl squeals* THE RETURN OF THE BRATWORTH ;A;. AND FREAKING 13 YEAR OLD FRANZISKAAAAAA ;A; So. Utterly. Awesome. And And And THE COURTROOM. THE FREAKING COURTROOM. WORDS ALONE CANNOT DESCRIBE MY UTTER JOY. I even make a separate save game copy at the point where you get to run around the courtroom, just because. And the defendant lobbies too. AND EDGEY GETS HIS BUTT KICKED. LITERALLY. The amount of awesome here is simply. Too. Freaking. Much. The Judge, he's as priceless(ly idiotic) as ever. "My gavel brings me closer to the truth and my hair farther away"?!!! DAMN. I see Edgey commenting on the fire extinguisher as something like if someone's hit, they'll probably lost a memory or two, but he's not so stupid to let it hit him so blatantly. Hello, 2-1 Phoenix X"D? Seeing Manfred brings back so much memories, and I'm just reminded how badass he is. Poor Edgey is bullied around too much :(. I had many a good laugh with Gumshoe, poor guy. The part with the tape playing is brilliant, too. As is with the Yatagarasu's key, the cornering of the killer, urg anything really. And EDGEY TAKING OFF HIS CRAVAT, that has got to be a first >______<. Too bad he had a spare, I thought when he meant a spare he meant at home. Who would've thought he carries a spare cravat in his pocket?! There's simply too much awesome to this case that I can't even begin to list every one of them. I honestly was taken aback with the revelation of the killer. But you know, I figure out that if I keep my eyes on the case from the start to the end, there are hardly any WTFFFFFFFF revelation moments. Only FFFFFFFFFFF when I start to see the big picture. Damn if I didn't have many of that. I can't say I figured out all the pun names in the case, or the game for that matter, but I wonder how can they say Deid Mann with such a straight face, really.

Case 5, Turnabout Ablaze. Long case, and great case. Everything is tied up so nicely I don't think I have any further comments. Except that that Alba is one tough old guy. But his final sprite is....well, not so tough. I really feel for Edgey, having to face with Oldbag two days in a row, in two cases of his. But who would've thought for a million years that there'll come a time when Edgey earnestly bows his thank to the old bag X"D? Larry, oh LARRY, I can't believe I meet you again. He once again proves to be such a fool, but a foolish hero. If it weren't for his idiotic antics I don't think they could come that far. And we see of real just exactly to what extent Edgey's fondness of the Steel Samurai goes (nothing short of a rabid fanboy, that comment of Gumshoe at the start of the game was spot on 8"D). And Detective Badd and the lollipop that lasts 7 years?! FFFFF. Several other FFFFFF moments (of a different nature): the fireplace of Bahbal (sp?), the Shih-na-as-Yew revelation (I was finally convinced when I saw her sprite doing the surprise move just like Calisto Yew), the freaking Alabahstian (sp, again) knife that I totally forgot about, urgh, too many really. I wonder if after this anyone will ship Larry/Oldbag 8"D? I mean they're practically canon, as Steel Samurai and Pink Princess....8"D..........I think some time in the future I'll have to replay this case to actually remember everything, seeing as this is the last case hence longest, and new information keeps pouring down. But anyway, great sense of finality, no confusion at all.

I guess that's about it. It's a great game, one that lives up to the name of the Ace Attorney series. I like the new gameplay, seeing chibi-Edgey and co. running around is a super entertaining experience - but it takes some times for me to actually adjust to the view. The music takes some time to get used to, but there are some really good pieces. And The Great Revival never gets old. Edgey really is awesome if he goes through all that in the span of 5 days and still keeps his wit. Kay is 'kay I guess. I only start to like Lang about the latter half of the fifth case, but still. And how can I forget all those Phoenix's mentions?!! This opens so much door for the next AAI ME, and I really hope Capcom considers it.

Right, with that out of the way, I think I seriously need to get back to my study. I wasted 3 days in sick bed, 2 days with AAI ME after all. Damn the backlog....


Q. Which old characters return as cameos? (i.e. only have little sprites or are in the background?)
A. There's a shot of Phoenix, Maya, and Pearl around but I missed it my first playthrough.

There's a shot of Phoenix, Maya, and Pearl around but I missed it my first playthrough.

There's a shot of Phoenix, Maya, and Pearl around

There's a shot of Phoenix, Maya, and Pearl around


[ace attorney], [miles edgeworth]

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