Looooooooong Day...

Jun 24, 2006 17:57

Been on the clock since 5:30am... Did a morning show... Now (12 1/2 hours later) sitting at the office on standby for a network (that will remain initial-less) with their head up their rear... So, back to pointless surveys... BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!

Things You'd Never Think to Ask...

1. Have you ever been questioned by the cops?
Does my Dad count?

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters?
Not my favorite thing in the world, and I kinda avoid them, but eyes open on them

3. Whens the last time you've been sledding?
In college - it was winter break and a bunch of us were living on campus - got chased away by P.S. and ended up in a nearby park.

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
Donno... anyone want to sleep with me? NOT LIKE THAT YOU PERVERT!! well... maybe like that...

5. Do you believe in ghosts?

6. Do you think O.J. killed his wife?

7. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?

8. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics?
I can speak about that subject a little...

9. Do you know how to play poker?

10. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
Most likely, yes... but I was probably a zombie by hour 36 and don't remember it...

11. What is your favorite commercial?

12. Do you like to cuddle?
That I do enjoy more often than not...

13. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is in sight, would you speed?
You mean faster than I go normally?

14. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?
I am a "lock-box"

15. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees?
Not a sports fan at all... but I was born in the Bronx... so NYY

16. How often do you remember your dreams?
Almost never.

17. Can you name 5 songs by Dr. Hook?
Dr. Who?

18. What's the one thing on your mind?
Work Sucks....

19. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I think it's out there... I think if I have ever or will ever experience it, I wouldn't know that I was... Because I'm not good with that sort of thing... Usually someone needs to hit me on the head and hold up a sign...

20. What talent do you wish you had?
Omnipotence... Like Q...

21. Who is your hero?
If you really have to ask this, go see my mySpace page...

22. If you could choose how to die, how would you?
I try not to think of things like that...

23. What do you wear to bed?

24. Have you ever been caught stealing?

25. Rock or Rap?
Both - like AeroSmith/Run DMC Walk This Way...

26. If you could be seen with one famous person, who would it be?
I'm seen with famous people all the time... Usually because I'm putting them on TV... and I'm only seen by the crew...

27. Do you know anyone in jail?
Not sure... please check on the whereabouts of the following...

28. Have you ever sang in front of the mirror?

29. What food do you find disgusting?
Haven't found one yet...

30. Did you ever play, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours?"
Possibilly... not really sure...

31. Who is your biggest fan?
What, you aren't part of my official fan club?!?!?!

32. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?
It's been known to happen on occation...

34. If you could live anywhere where would you live?
It's not so much a location... but a scenic...

35. If you could be any animal what would you be?
I donn... OOOOO.... A Dinosaur... like the T-Rex... (these are the thoughts that kept me out of the really good schools...)

36. Your best quality?
It's the whole package with me... not just one thing...

37. Best feature?
You tell me... (<-- topic suggestion for replys to this post)

38. When was the last time you smoked pot?

39. Have you ever spent the night with a person of the opposite sex?

40. Do you miss high school?
School... no... The people... Most Definatly...


1. Male friend: **Shrugs**
2. Female friend: **Shrugs**
3. Vacation: What's a Vacation?
1. Time of day: I hate morning shows...
2. Day of the Week: Mondays
3. Food: Spicy stuff... makes my tounge burn
4. Memory: A few... but then again too few to mention...

Last Person You
1. Saw: John - Owner of my company
2. Talked to on the phone: Rob - Salesguy
3. Called: Meara... she's gonna kill me for the message I left... **EVIL GRIN**
4. IMed: Not sure...
5. Messaged over myspace: Yea, like I keep track of that...

1. What are you doing now: See Above...
2. Wearing: Jeans and a Company Polo
3. Better than yesterday: No

1. Is: Sunday
2. Got any plans: Inquired for work (on Roatation On)
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: I may have to work

1. Number: not sure
2. Song: I like a lot of music... Favorites depend on the mood of the hour...
3. Color: used to be Orange... not really sure now... thinking more along the lines of Blue
4. Season: Spring/Fall

1. Missing someone: Oh, yea...
2. Mood: Grumpy/Bored
3. Wanting: To either go home or for this job to happen today...

True or False:

I am a cuddler.

I am a morning person.

I am a perfectionist.
Depends on what the task is...

I am an only child.

I am currently in my pajamas.

I am currently single.
T, but it's complicated....

I am currently suffering from a broken heart.

I am addicted to myspace

I am online 24/7.
Hell, yea...

I am very shy around the opposite gender.

I can be paranoid at times.

I currently regret something that I have done.

When I get mad, I curse frequently.
Abso-fucking-lutly... I curse even when I'm not mad...

I enjoy country music.

I enjoy jazz music.

I love smoothies.

I enjoy talking on the phone.

I have a crush:
It's a possibility...

I have a hard time paying attention at school.

I have a hidden talent.

I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.

I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" girl/guy.

I have all my grandparents.

I have at least one brother and/or sister.
Only Child.

I have been told that I have a sense of humor.

I have broken a bone.

I have changed a diaper.

I have changed a lot over the past year.
You tell me...

I have done something illegal.

I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.

I have had major/minor surgery.

I have had my hair cut within the last 2 months.
T - I'm pretty sure...

I have had the cops called on me.
Don't think so...

Has this made you relize anything?
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