Apr 29, 2006 13:39
I just got a pair of Shuron ebony browline glasses, i am very excited. We shoot our Mass Media final Sunday (staring Dan Duda! who is amasing!) and that is giving me a beating. Just a lot of stuff to get together. What am i doing writing this?? So, i have to work tonight and Sunday (while I am shooting, haahaa!) and that is going to be fun. What else? Gizmo is great. Went and helped a live webcast for the Hill's farm big wigs (dog and cat food, Science Diet). Kinda funny how many times i have used ( and ) huh? One of the guys as Gizmo also did the new 3D dog bags... crazy how much this two man group does. This is an amazing oppertuinty and I feel like every time I go in there I am fucking up left and right. I hope this all works out. They keep talking like, "when we get you a computer" and "when we make you full time" and "health care" just crazy. I hope i hope I hope this works! Working at the hotel and school does get in the way but they said they are going to get me a more set schedule once school is done. Man! This is soo crazy! I rub my nipples a lot thinking about it! But of course, i am gonna screw it up and end up living at home till I am 40. lame.