Apr 14, 2004 02:01
God, I never have time to update...or do a bunch of things I want to.
I have a lot on my plate, what with classes, work, and getting what I can out these last few weeks here this semester. The Suite has been such an amazing time, I can't wait for all the fun stuff we have in store between now and then, and words don't describe how far I've come from where I was when the semester, the whole year rather started. I'm extremely happy on all accounts with a lot of shit in my life, and though I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck I'm doing this summer, I've managed to get a lot done in other, equally important realms.
Officially changing majors later this week, and while late in the game, it's still for the better. An extra year here is going to be so much fun, and even though expensive in the long run, it's well well worth it for the sake of my sanity and my interest and devotion to what I study. Straight up Sociology major, with a double concentration (instead of just the required one, or one and a minor). Double concentrating in Juvenile and Criminal Studies and Gender Studies. Probably doing some kind of social work in due time, maybe seeing into a Drug and Alcohol/Youth Counseling situation of some sort.
In the meantime, I need a lot of sleep, a vacation, some sex and a whole lot less stuff buzzing around in my head. Maybe once I have a few bucks put aside I can go on a road trip, or to a concert...or something.
Something of note I discovered a few weeks ago: Ties are super hot. All the time.
Sadly, I have work in the morning. It's unfortunate, but I must go anyway. Damn money...I hate it.