2x13 - Princess Picspam, Part 1

Mar 01, 2010 07:28

2x13 - Princess / Picspam

shipperfey: This is a speshul picspam for a speshul episode. The awesome Mipps and I collaborated to create this one, and it was a blast! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed creating it.
mippippippi: Well Hello everybody! It’s a great pleasure and honor to be part of Fey’s wonderful recaps, so I’ll try to do my best to not to stay behind.

Mippi: Did you sharpen your pencil Fey?
Fey: Sure did, Mipps. Did you?
Mippi: My pencil doesn't need sharpening, but I might need fresh batteries.
Fey: I think I need to buy new batteries after this episode too... ahem, for my remote control. From watching this episode so much.
Mippi: Yeah it's horrible when it stops at the best part.
Fey: I hate not finishing and having to start over.
Mippi: Totally!!! So shall we commence?
Fey: Yes, mistress.

2x13 - Princess

Fey: The Sisters of Dark in the woods await,
for a magical recasting to take place.
Mippi: Should I draw the viewer’s attention to the Mord’Sith on the background?
Rent’O’Sith - That could be a profitable business, especially with so many Banelings running around
a lot Mord’Siths will be left “breathless”...

Fey: At least this Nicci is blonde, which seems to be the only thing anyone cared about.
Okay, I'll admit it, I too was happy when they went back to the books on this :)
Mippi: It's nice to come back from death refreshed and few years younger, what a bonus.

Mippi: So this is how Sith'erella's story starts
with boys turning cuisine into art
while Mistresses Kahlan and Cara well prove
there's no better match for firewood.

Mippi: Well, well it seems that either Cara is annoyed by the fact that no one is paying attention to her
exercise or THE BEAR wants to be shown some chivalry after all.
Unfortunately she receives only a “slight” hint that she should stick to the bashing of firewood…
Fey: Seriously, Cara tried to cook for them and they're complaining? JERKS!

Fey: Gratuitous caps of Cara looking adorable, with bonus K & R.
Sorry, if it were up to me, this entire picspam would be .gifs.
No, scratch that, it would be a DVD commentary. Pictures just can't do this episode justice.
Mippi: *I wonder how that corn cake tasted, or maybe not.*

Fey: Adding epic Kahlan hair while we can.
Mippi: And it looks conditioned...
Fey: Can't wait for my Wella Enrich Mask to arrive.
Mippi: I prefer natural beauty... comb from time to time.
Fey: Kahlan's gonna be wishing she had a comb in a few scenes...
Mippi: Yep and you'll know how I look in the mornings.

Cara: And I soooo told her to wear underwear.

Fey: Apparently Gars are trainable... guess it's not just Gratch :\
Mippi: I want one to fetch me the paper!

Fey: NGL, Cara's concern for Kahlan killed me more than Richard's.
Mippi: Why?
Fey: Because I'm a sucker for Cara showing any emotions.
Mippi: Well you should get prepared to be massacred then.

Fey: And the way her voice breaks when she says Kahlan could be dead by the time they make it to Rothenberg.
Mippi: I think this is the first time Cara meant "I get there" not "WE".

Fey: Zedd explains no magic works where Kahlan is taken,
I've seen Cara in this episode so they must be mistaken
Mippi: Yep Cara seems to have all sorts of magic.

Fey: I wish I could give every department on the show a medal for this episode. Especially the lighting department. They made my job so much easier.
Mippi: What a view, what a view.. reminds me of home - so hard to get in and even harder to get out!

Fey: Kahlan arrives to meet Margrave. Look at the little fists! ♥
Mippi: What about them?! Those little fists can gut you out in no time.
Fey: Yeah, I guess they're not so little when they're coming at you.

Fey: FIERCE (also, lip scar, GUH!)
Mippi: Yep the FURY is there.

Fey: The Mother Confessor does not agree with your plan, sorry. Time to cut bitches up... with class!

Fey: Okay, her hands were tied, it wasn't a fair fight :\
Mippi: Her tied hands are no problem, look at the helmets, you try to hit those with your little fists.

Fey: Kahlan is taken to the dungeon downstairs,
Where the lighting is still better than fair,
And we get many a glimpse of her thighs,
Not to mention her beautiful blue eyes.

Fey: OUCH. Let's see it in motion...

Mippi: And she is flying...flying... and she lands!
BAMC scores a point for graceful entrance!

Fey: Kahlan instantly begins search for a way out, while her cellmate reveals she's Margrave's current wfe,
who's headed for the block when he picks another bride. And she's okay with all of that because Margrave's power is absolute.
Mippi: Do I hear Henry IIX?

Fey: Kahlan informs her that while her hair is not up to its usual standards, she's still the Mother Confessor,
and the only law anyone needs are the ones she enforces. With her fist. And thighs. And hair.
Mippi: Who wants to be enforced raise your hand!
Fey: *raises both hands*
Mippi: *and a leg*

Mippi: Why every time I see Rahl appearing in flames that reminds me of something overcooked and I run to the kitchen.

Fey: So stunning.
Mippi: *... and why is my text in green?!*

Fey: She's so worried. And I must say, I kind of dig Richard in rescue-mode.
Mippi: See, this is what happens when you end up with a hand on your shoulder - you start to worry.

Fey: Zedd tells them about all the gossip, and the deal Margrave struck with the sisters.

Fey: GUH.
Mippi: *Ooo, look reversed it's HUG*

Fey: Zedd says Margrave is looking for a bride, and they need someone to be the princess.
Cara is just nodding away, probably counting the bodies she could pile up in such a big castle.
Mippi: Urgently needed is a princess of class
One who fears not to fall on her ***
Who's charming and witty in ivory gown
One worthy of bearing Rothenberg's crown.

Cara: "I'm no princess!"

Fey: Cara does not approve of the Princess' virtue.
Mippi: Cara approves that those are not HER virtues.
Fey: Excellent point.

Fey: The Party of Thryce. I want to see what the party of FOUR TIMES looks like.
Mippi: I can show you.
Fey: That's what she said!

Mippi: And I see she is considering...
Fey: ... ways to kill Zedd for even suggesting this?
Mippi: Sort of.

Fey: Is it just me or the Prince looked too much like Cary Elwes?
Mippi: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Fey: Princess Bride... 80s movie... just click the link!

Fey: Cara is amused.
Mippi: With Cara, "amused" is a very, very scary word *did i mention painful too*

Fey: Bruce killed me so many times during this episode.
Mippi: You seem to die a lot. Get yourself a Rent'O' Sith - easy to maintain.
Fey: Good idea, but I like my breath of life with a little tongue.
Mippi: *....*

Fey: If they're keeping their underthings... what is Cara wearing under her dress?
Why am I so obsessed with finding out if Mord'Sith wear underwear? Difficult questions, I know.
Mippi: Who cares! Do you know how much fabric is in that dress?
It will take days to find out!
Fey: True dat. But it'd be worth it.
Mippi: I won't comment on that.

Fey: Zedd instructs Cara on how to be a princess.
Mippi: That would take long... long... long time and a lot...a lot...a lot of patience * that is if Cara is even listening*

Mippi: Yep i think he is getting somewhere - she is starting to get pissed off.

Cara: You're making this up!

Mippi: Rhyme, baby, Rhyme!
Fey: Death glare, hee!

Fey: At the castle Princess Cara enters with grace,
to meet Margrave so Kahlan they can save.

Cara: *ohhh yesss.. I do have plans for you and they include emasculating*

Fey: I love this episode so much, I'm including lots of Richard (without Kahlan even)... and Zedd. That's how much I love it.
Mippi: 'nough said.

Mippi: I don't have rhyme for THAT.
Fey: DNW.

Fey: I love how Bruce's dress is too short!
Mippi: OMG look at the ankles.... sooooo sexy! Yet a self respected lady should never reveal "her" ankles in public.

Fey: He's way too happy to see his old "friend."
Mippi: He is way too happy because he might get lucky.
Fey: I hope he dies of syphilis... or whatever the Midlands equivalent is.
Mippi: Cara?
Fey: She too can make you crazy after a while.
Mippi: And make parts of your body go away.

Mippi: Lets see how fast those ladies are in their manners. Ok ladies, on your marks! Ready, set and go!


Mippi: Damn... pretty fast.

Fey: I adore how Cara's competitive streak comes out... obviously she's doing the whole thing for Kahlan, but she's not going to be bested.
Mippi: Well the shark look is out indeed, but i think it's "Why does she have curls? I don't have curls! Where are my curls , I'm losing here!" kind of look.

Mippi: *.... even that one have curls. Gimme some damn curls or we lose.*
Fey: I think here, Cara's face is equal parts "is this bitch for real?" and "we're fucked."
Mippi: But the truth is that Cara is confused and she doesn't like to be confused it's not in her nature to be unaware of a situation she gets herself in. And she is trying to find something familiar in this decadent place.
Fey: It's like Taming of the Sith. Except she ends up taming everyone.
Mippi: Well she is ends up Tempting everyone, that's for sure. And it is Taming of the Sith. She has to be someone she absolutely hates,a complete opposite of herself and her beliefs, in order to save someone. And since when do Sith care to save someone except their lord Rahl?
Fey: IKR? She doesn't even stop to consider the trouble Richard might get himself in. She just wants to save Kahlan so they can all gtfo.
Mippi: Well it was a promise given to her "Master", that is now more than a promise.
Fey: Yes, I love this episode because it's hilarious, but it has so many layers.
Mippi: Indeed! Yet for Cara saving Kahlan is still a matter of prestige, not so much friendship. To show off , and yet there is something more, something else that's beyond respect - the feeling to be part of something, part of a group...
Fey: Yes, to all of that.

Fey: Cara trying to rhyme = so adorable.
Mippi: Scary adorable.

Fey: At least she didn't end her sentence with orange.
Mippi: Hey i used to do that {eye stuff} on my mom when she lectured me:
"A young lady should never spread her legs like that...."
Fey: Your mom was just trying to keep your virtuous. And then you found Legend of the Seeker...
Mippi: No, she just meant I take a lot of space like that. And then SHE found Legend of the seeker and ruined my peaceful viewing.

Fey: See, she doesn't need curls to be adorable!
Mippi: That smile reminds me of a Colagate AD. I fear I know what’s “hidden” behind it, beside the acerbic tongue…
*....dead kittens, dead kittens, guted white fluffy rabbits*

Fey: Meanwhile, Kahlan is attempting to reason with a crazy woman. Because she doesn't need magic to be persuasive. Just her fist. And thighs. And hair.
Mippi: I doubt that even the HAIR would help in this case...
Fey: Good point.

Fey: Kahlan goes BAMC and goes "sorry, I only eat shitty bread my girlfriend makes."
Mippi: * I still wonder how did that corn cake tasted like..*

Fey: I sure hope The Powers That Be paid for B to get a spa manicure after this.
Mippi: Why doesn't anyone ever cares for the props? I'm sure they have feelings too *pretty sure that plate is smiling*
Fey: I would be too.

Mippi: Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tout en rond.***
* I can do it in French too*

*** Lyrics to "On the Bridge of Avignon"

Fey: *dies laughing*
Mippi: And this is me trying to get away before my mother catches me smoking.

Fey: GUH. And I think this might be my first ever Richard GUH. He should be impatient more often.
Mippi: Amm...yeah...ammm.. BRB...

Fey: I like to think this is payback for all the cockblocking.
Mippi: I always thought it was the others who cockblocking Zedd, strange...
Fey: That was a quick BRB... and at least he doesn't get laid as often as in the books. *shudders*
Mippi: Hmmmm interesting thought

Fey: Desperately needing AU fanfic where they're siblings, kk?
Mippi: Ah yeah the do look like siblings.... from different mothers and unknown fathers.
Fey: Shush!
Mippi: Don't shush me! I have eye for details.
Fey: Yes, mistress.

Fey: Richard asks to see the dungeon that's infamous,
Margrave considers it carefully and grants him his wishes.
Mippi: Wasn't that supposed to rhyme?
Fey: D:

Fey: Cara the Princess continues to sew and look regal,
I love this scene so much, it should be illegal.
Mippi: Yep , almost rhymed!
Fey: Damn it.
Mippi: Mine are rhyming :D

Fey: Dayum, Richard. You be driving all the ladies crazy.
Mippi: I'm sure few lessons of "The meaning of the handkerchief" will do him good.

Fey: Plotting to save his Mother Confessor,
Richard confides in the creepy old fester
He wishes to bed her while it is contrite
(I saw it happen just the other night.)

Mippi: Admiring Cara's princessy cleavage
Makes fools drool on their sleevage.
When, the Margrave, in his zeal
Just asked, "Are those real?!"
She smiled ...and slapped him in grievage.
*see it rhymes*

Fey: NGL, her rhyming about torture is hot.
Mippi: Yeah, isn't it wonderful how the idea of torture unties her tongue instantly?
Fey: *thinks about Cara's tongue* BRB
Mippi: *.....*

Mippi: Does that conclude part one?
Fey: Yup.
Mippi: Good, I need to go to the bathroom.

Screencaps by me (shipperfey).
.Gifs by the awesomest mippippippi, who kicked ass! And put up with all my incessant requests.

Thanks for reading! Part 2 is in the works, and should be posted within the next couple of days.

While you wait for it, here are some pimps:

- firstserve's Legs Legs Legs Picspam (Yes, another Disney picspam, she rules!)
- valhallalilly's All In A Day's Work Picspam
- Fuck Yeah Bridget's Hair (I've been spending so much time there, virkatjol and relaxjolene should start charging me rent. )

And check out Mipps and her art at her journal! mippippippi!

seeker, picspam: seeker, picspam

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