Jun 21, 2004 18:36
hello readers my name is....we ll u migt already know who i am so forget about it. i was in class today whe na good friend of mine named michelle told me about this website. i was eger to work on this so i desided to write my first entery in class in summer school. by the way the reason i'm in summer school is because i want to get rid of my p.e. clases and life managment for my high school years..........well this is waht i wrote in classs:
hello readers i go by the name andy. i'm a freshem at a high school i wont mention....well it's another day of summer shool. This morning i berely woke up to go to school. so i'm really tired yet bored. I'm currently takein Personal fitness/life managment. Our teacher Mrs. faust is a very deppresing one...all he talks about is his ex-wife, and his so called "x-son." He's ok besides all this. we really dont pay any attention to him at all in class. Our physical fitness teacher is mr. cone head or somtin...see idont even know his name.(what ever)anyways he's an asshole. every day we ahve to do somtin with our legs or feet never with our upper body. well i'm siting in class right now writeing to you guys and we are watching a dumb movie about a girl that cuts her self and lijes it.
right at this very moment my friend cory is telling me howto make a more complex website.i guess i understand.......i guess i need to read up on this stuff.
well that was my day at school today. i need to take a showerright now, and i have things i need to think about for tommorow. If my things work out i'll tell u all about it. wel got to go l8er