Jul 15, 2004 09:45
It's a beautiful day out today, soo sunny. Kitty kat was out all night, bad girl, she goes outside once in awhile because she always always stays right outside in the grass in front of the apartment. I wish she would stop eating the grass, because it always makes her tummy sick, but she never seems to learn her lesson *silly girl*.
It is so quiet this morning and I am still feeling restless, maybe it is because of my conjestion that just wont go away. But Froggy gave mommy a nudge and kiss this morning so that made eveything better *smiles*
Three more work days to go before holidays, I am going to miss everyone at work so much. But Paul says if I am going to be healthier I need time off. I am so happy about being able to have a little more time to be on Kassix, visit my parents who I haven't been able to visit in a month and do some spring cleaning.
I love all of you sooo much!!