most amusing sign of the day:
Growcock Wholesale
ha, who knew?
a) I shall try to convey the excitement that was my weekend in pictures today, as I feel I need a challenge. Was nice to hear from y'all after posting last week, even if it was tediously short by usual standards ;).
b) Oh hellfire. The pictures idea was nice, but I haven't got anywhere near enough energy to make them all smaller. Scratch that, better idea - in the comments, you guys try to find a picture relating to something in my post. Unless, if you're anything like as lazy as me, you'd rather eat your own shoe.
c) This weekend I went to Oxford to visit Carolyn, basically to sort out a few things from the end of last term. It was actually really good fun, even if Oxford is horrifically expensive on a night out (approx £/pint). It's so tough coming back to the real world after vegging in Studentville for so long, because alcohol is so much more expensive. I went to the pub on Friday and the woman behind the bar tried to charge me 30p for a pint of tap water! I can't get my hat on with it.
d) In other news, how incredible is The Metro in the mornings? I don't know how many of you indulge in the stress-free, reliable and all-round delightful system that is British public transport on a regular basis, but in some ways, it's worth it to read The Metro in the mornings. Compact, amusing and interesting - not unlike many of you - it is an absolute must.
e) I can't tell if buying my train tickets for work the day before makes me organised, lazy, or both - see it's obviously strategical-type planning ahead, but I only do it to get an extra five minutes in bed. What do YOU think,
(that's never going to work)
f) Have more or less sorted out trip to America, bar of course not really having any money. By a lucky coincidence David is driving in a Londonwards sort of direction the day before I fly out, so I'm going to get a lift down with him then stay at my friend Lizzie's for the night. It's all very exciting.
g) haha:
Andy says: (23:07:57)
I'm grand. Updating LJ at the moment
Lou - says: (23:08:07)
oh, well done!
Lou - says: (23:08:12)
second in a fortnight!
Andy says: (23:08:19)
Lou - says: (23:08:20)
practically unprecedented!
Andy says: (23:08:27)
didn't i update like three days ago
Lou - says: (23:08:39)
eh, three days, fourteen...
Andy says: (23:08:46)
that's being a student, right there.
h) yesterday I watched the whole of the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice in a massive five-hour stint. great stuff! You can't beat Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth, they're so good - it must've been great fun for people to watch the episodes on TV when they were first released. Favourite lines, anyone?
'she is tolerable, i suppose, but not handsome enough to tempt me...'
ho ho, it's funny because it's true
i) herbal essences ARE the way forward. Who's with me?
j) have actually run into loads of people from school in the last few days. Yesterday night Simon and I went to the pub for (wrote 'to the pint' first time there. oy) a quick drink and I ran into about five people I wasn't expecting to see, which was good. Am actually quite tempted to go out on Thursday (student night in Sutton, usually avoid it like the plague) in the interests of catching up with other student-types.
k) speaking of which, went to the pub quiz on Sunday night and saw everyone again. Am pretty worried about Pacey these days because it turns out he has a benign tumour in his brain - which is never hugely good news - and is having fits now and again. It's so unfair - he can't drink or drive at the moment (always such a good combination, too). I really want him to be better. But, I'm sure he will be, so good. Seeing everyone again was awesome, even if we unluckily missed out on getting to the final of the quiz (lost TWO tie breaks. I ask you).
l) tonight i decided i needed a haircut (i really did), and after getting that sorted out went to the local Wetherspoons for a bit of Steak Night action. Such a great deal - a steak meal and a drink for £.99. Bargain. Paul and I also got our usual chocolate fudge cake in, as we invariably do when Wetherspoons is involved. good old Paul. i get on really well with him, which is helpful as we're both studying in Durham.
m) whilst in Oxford (just to rewind a tad), met Neil's future girlfriend and wife, which was kind of interesting. Carolyn has decided that my esteemed roommate and her friend Kate are to be paired up. Kate's a legend, actually - apart from having crazymad curly hair, she's pretty lively and entertaining. see, I was actually a bit worried that Carolyn's friends would Disapprove of me in a big way, having finished with her and all, but things were okay, I think.
n) Must Read Jane Eyre. Degree more or less depends on it. And I really ought to do some French revision. Let's look at it this way: it only took me six months to organise my folders, so I should have got my revision completed any time around 2009. ech. Exams take place between May 16-24 (and subsequently, we all drink and make merry for a month), so I've got a bit of time, but still. Vague gnawing anxieties. It's a pain because by the time I've worked for eight hours, I have absolutely no motivation to do any school work. ah well, it'll all get done in the end.
click! - Lou is fundraising for breast cancer. Get involved!
p) recent film-watchages include: crash (ooh, slow motion!), howl's moving castle (beautiful), enemy at the gates (spot the Russian), tomorrow never dies (classic). I haven't been to the cinema in forever, actually, which is pretty upsetting. Mind you, I am a huge fan of Scrubs Season 3, which you should all get hold of if you haven't already.
q) I am failing entirely to keep up with my TV shows, mind you. Lost the thread of Lost (ahahaa), 24, Desperate Housewives, The OC... alles! At least I have V-Mars - mind you, I can only download episodes when I'm at home (how GOOD is Acquisition? If you're a Mac user without it, shame on you. Unless you can recommend me something better).
r) my mouse is SHINY and CHANGES COLOUR. What do YOUR mouse do?
s) it's fUn to makE INAPPROPrIATE use of CAPItaL leTterS. teehee.
t) One of my friends from uni is a tiny wee Scottish girl called Lyndsay Blair, who's gorgeous and wonderful. HOWEVER, she didn't call me earlier when she said she would so I hate her*. I like hearing what my uni friends are up to during the holidays, even when they MEET UP WITHOUT INCLUDING ME. Rage etc. Will hopefully go and see Neil on the weekend.
*not technically true. she called my mobile whilst i was in the other room playing piano, waiting for the house phone to ring. classic case of miscommunication. stupid woman.
u) weekend should be fun, actually. am going for a meal with Ben and family on Saturday night and seeing Neil Sunday - and getting drunk with Paul and his lawyer workmates on Friday night. Only hitch (potentially) might be the fact that Simon is relaying our kitchen floor, which may cause some disruption. On the other hand, we went for a delicious KFC yesterday, which has nothing to do with anything, but I enjoyed it.
v) I can't believe I've made it this far. Recently I have been wearing my college stash rather a lot - it's terrific, though. About 15 of the people in my house ordered clothing which has the Durham/Hild Bede badge and whatnot, but also says 'Corridor Cricket 05/06' on the back. Classic. <3
w) Did You Know, that I could change my name to Loughran-Smith just by adding a neat little hyphen, and thus be part of the DOUBLE-BARRELLED crew? Add that to my elocution lessons and shooting practice and I'll just about be ready for Durham.
x) is Easter big in America? I've realised I'll be spending it in Georgia, and have no idea if y'all make a big deal of it or not.
y) Jai smells!
(worth a try)
z) okay. good! managed to reach the end of the rainbow. Speaking of which, the weather has been decidedly weird in this country the last few days. Did actually see a rainbow at one point, but it's been flitting between sun and niceness and misery and rain. Wellity well. Should be gorgeous in America, and hopefully once we get back to Durham it'll be nice - am keen to try a bit of Lock-On in the sun during next term. Lock-On is amazing <3
π) not technically a letter of the alphabet, you may argue (this one, anyway), but just a brief addendum to say that my sister Helen is the best person in the whole wide world, her new hair is amazing, and I love her more than life itself*. And so should all of you.
*at this point certain parties feel a legal rejoinder is required, to reassure the reader than the author was at no stage under any duress when writing the above, and to stress that at no point was he threatened, bullied, cajoled, sat on or otherwise intimidated into writing something against his will. ever.
-andy xx