adj. and pron. 1. the (person or thing) referred to 2. further or less obvious (one) of two

Jan 16, 2005 22:54

Well I never.

Even more staggering, I think, than any of this kerfuffle about LiveJournal falling on its arse (i wonder to myself what kind of uprising there'll be when the Internet collapses altogether), is the fact that my sister just bought me a bacon sandwich. Without me even asking. And it's gorgeous.

-hurrah for getting back into the LJ world! Although comments were made yesterday implying that LiveJournal was down because it could not stagger the weight of my posts, which I find highly offensive as you can imagine.

-nice weekend. Had two whole lie-ins, and managed to get my room looking reasonably tidy. plus had a lovely night on Friday, just at the pub with Rachel. Finally started actually talking to her :p

-during the decontamination of the aforementioned room, I discovered some marvellous long-lost treasures. That's the problem with doing an overhaul though, isn't it? Not only do you have to make mess to clear things up, you end up getting distracted, reading through some old story you plotted on paper in 2003, or looking at old school magazines, stuff like that. I came across some giant plastic numbers that I believe my brother stole from the local Esso garage in a fit of drunken silliness, as well as classic tapes (remember tapes? :p) like Now 24. Also, LOCK-ON. Did anyone ever have that? I expect I could sift back through old entries and find references to it kicking around. LOCK-ON is/was brilliant, especially when we played it at my nan's house.

-speaking of my nan's house, that's where I was for part of today. I stumbled out of bed at the crack of 1.30pm, had a divine lunch, and after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing and playing with Niamh, went with Dad and Helen to take David back to Cardiff. Popped in at grandma's on the way back to give her her Christmas present (a picture I got Rich to frame), and for some much-needed sandwiches. got back about half nine, and was hoping to go for a drink with Alex at the Plough and Harrow (where Andy works), except the doughnut wasn't in.

-i'm half-thinking (how exactly you half-think about something, when you half-think about it, is kind of hard to explain, but it sort of makes sense) about getting an MP3 player, and wondered if y'all fancied giving me any advice/tips on which is the best player to get. iPod is the obvious choice, but a friend of mine mentioned the iRiver, and there are a couple of others going as well. Of all the groups of people I know, I'd say you lot are the most likely to give me a decent answer (i.e. loud and opinionated)

-Next weekend is the Buffy Marathon. Faye and Jess from the chippy are coming back here after work on Saturday night, and we are going to watch as much Buffy as humanly possible between then and Sunday evening. I even ordered Season 7 from Ebay this week, to complete my collection.

...whaddya mean, nerd?

-oooh. Another thing about those mp3 players. They're much cheaper in America, right? In which case, I think I should hire one of you to buy it for me over then and send it here. Are they compatible in both the US and UK?

-both Ben and Laura went off to Uni without so much as a backward glance (well, I guess they might have glanced backwards briefly, but I didn't FEEL like I was being glanced. I didn't get the VIBE). Laura at least is now receiving punishment from Providence, as the honeymoon period of her first year appears to have expired, and she now seems to hate everyone around her. Oh well ;)

-I found my mix CD from Los Angeles! This makes me so happy. And a CD I borrowed from my friend Alex months and months ago, which I returned just now. Tidying up is great, I've decided. although I guess that like with drinking alcohol and starting fires, you should do it in moderation.

-yesterday I found myself in a kind of fandom-type chat, which started ranting about LJ and ended up much worse, and it was a bit odd but kind of nice, really. it's all Eb's fault.

-now I'm off to have a little spiel on the recently-found Sim City 3000 (which wasn't found in the mass tidy-up, instead by Helen, but that's besides the point). hope you're all well!

-andy xx
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