Things I've learned in the past two months...

Nov 05, 2006 15:23

So... college. Woo.

It's amazing how long I was looking forwards to getting to college, and now that I've been here for two months, it seems like such a completely normal thing. I was expecting a revolutionary, life-changing event. Now I'm stuck with routine.

I'm not really a big fan of routine, except when I'm really tired. Then routine is great, because I have to think much less.

So anyways, since I'm the only person who's ever gone to college in the history of the world, I've decided to share my revelations with those of you unfortunate enough not to attend a place of higher education. KNOWLEDGE AND ENLIGHTENMENT AWAITS!

In the order of when I think them up:

1) Living in rural Ohio kind of stinks. I'm speaking literally here, because for the entire weekend, the wind has brought the lovely smell of manure onto campus. Hurray.

2) On nights when it's not so windy, you can smell the sweet scent of marijuana simply by sticking your head out the window. I wonder if I could get high just by walking around outside enough.

3) In many ways, living in dorms is a fun, exciting new adventure in responsibility! For example, we're now in charge of our own climate control. Without a thermostat, of course. That means either leave the window open and freeze or close it and let the room become all smelly and muggy. Huzzah for new experiences!

4) In other ways, living in dorms is a fun, exciting new adventure in living with lots of people your own age, lots of whom have even less of a sense of cleanliness then you do! It's always fun to walk out into the lounge, look at all of the garbage strewn around, take in a deep sniff, and really smell that stuff! And by 'fun', I of course mean 'horribly depressing and enraging'.

5) People will watch ANYTHING on TV. The worse it is, the more people will watch it.

6) Did you know that in college, it's easy to obtain alcohol and/or drugs? Don't worry, if you didn't know, I'm sure you'll figure it out the first time someone stumbles up to you and yells "I'M SO DRUNK!"


8) You're a horrible, intolerant monster. I don't care how tolerant you consider yourself, there will always be someone who will consider you a troglodyte.

9) On the other hand, now matter how tolerant the college community claims it is, they're still horribly intolerant with people that don't agree with them.

10) Kids will be kids. You'd think going to college would help some people mature, but it doesn't.

11) It's easy not to do homework. For example, I'm not doing it right now!

That is all.
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