God, what a GAY post!jeremytblackFebruary 22 2008, 05:19:16 UTC
How Gay! Are you gay? You sure act gay!
Okay, enough of that.
I haven't read Sula in years! I loved that book. My favorite of hers is Beloved, which I also haven't read in years, but Sula was my favorite before Beloved came along. That some good shit there.
Don't be afraid to arrive at a definition of yourself that is true just because some asshole might have "known" it (or figured it out, or thought it for the wrong reasons) before you.
Sometimes reacting AGAINST something can actually mean we're every bit as much in it's thrall as if we're GOING WITH it. (Gandhi, when in South Africa, noted that one can't keep others down in the ditch without keeping at least one of your feet down there with them. We're chained to our adversaries even more than we're chained to our friends, and freedom comes only when we're comfortable with WHATEVER THE FUCK we are, even if it turns out to be what THEY thought we were.)
This also a natural part of growing up, growing apart from whence we came. Differentiation. Breathe, learn, accept, then scream a lot and thrash about, then breathe again, learn some more, accept some more, then reject a bunch and flip things off, shoot others and ourselves with nail guns, then breathe.....
One of these days I'm going to try to dig up a column I wrote for The Daily back at the Univerisity of Washington about labels, and I'll enter it into my blog. I think I may know where it is, and I think you may like it. Interestingly enough, and quite to my surprise, an English professor of mine (a big queer studies sort who last I knew was at USC) put it on his wall and while I was in for advising once, I saw it there. Made me proud. But it's about being yourself regardless of how others want to label you, and about that need to label other people.
Anyway, there's something else I want to ask you, about the statements you've made here, and in our last weekend conversation, about touching. But I'm not going to ask you yet. Not just to be coy, although that's part of it. Not just to get you back for not IMMEDIATELY answering my question about the Gender Club, although that's part of it, but out of respect. But one of these days, I'm going to ask you a deep, deep question.
Sula. Wish my copy wasn't in storage. I have all my literature in storage. Sucks.
Re: God, what a GAY post!andyleggettFebruary 22 2008, 18:37:04 UTC
I have a love-hate relationship with Beloved... sometimes she rubs me the wrong way, and Denver is the only sympathetic character. Though, I must admit, Sethe is a powerful black reincarnation of Medea.
It totally agree with all of what you're saying, and it's something to think about.
Okay, enough of that.
I haven't read Sula in years! I loved that book. My favorite of hers is Beloved, which I also haven't read in years, but Sula was my favorite before Beloved came along. That some good shit there.
Don't be afraid to arrive at a definition of yourself that is true just because some asshole might have "known" it (or figured it out, or thought it for the wrong reasons) before you.
Sometimes reacting AGAINST something can actually mean we're every bit as much in it's thrall as if we're GOING WITH it. (Gandhi, when in South Africa, noted that one can't keep others down in the ditch without keeping at least one of your feet down there with them. We're chained to our adversaries even more than we're chained to our friends, and freedom comes only when we're comfortable with WHATEVER THE FUCK we are, even if it turns out to be what THEY thought we were.)
This also a natural part of growing up, growing apart from whence we came. Differentiation. Breathe, learn, accept, then scream a lot and thrash about, then breathe again, learn some more, accept some more, then reject a bunch and flip things off, shoot others and ourselves with nail guns, then breathe.....
One of these days I'm going to try to dig up a column I wrote for The Daily back at the Univerisity of Washington about labels, and I'll enter it into my blog. I think I may know where it is, and I think you may like it. Interestingly enough, and quite to my surprise, an English professor of mine (a big queer studies sort who last I knew was at USC) put it on his wall and while I was in for advising once, I saw it there. Made me proud. But it's about being yourself regardless of how others want to label you, and about that need to label other people.
Anyway, there's something else I want to ask you, about the statements you've made here, and in our last weekend conversation, about touching. But I'm not going to ask you yet. Not just to be coy, although that's part of it. Not just to get you back for not IMMEDIATELY answering my question about the Gender Club, although that's part of it, but out of respect. But one of these days, I'm going to ask you a deep, deep question.
Sula. Wish my copy wasn't in storage. I have all my literature in storage. Sucks.
It totally agree with all of what you're saying, and it's something to think about.
What's the deep, deep question?
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