I find it terribly appropriate that
two of my favorite webcomics should have ads for the Futurama marathon I just finished watching. Adult Swim gave this wonderful show a good era of much-needed reruns so that it could finally get a new season, which I'm excited for beyond all measure.
In other news, a full 50 pages into Carnival. I think my problem is that this is one of those books where the full picture is unfolded, thus meaning I will probably have to go back and reread it once I'm done, or maybe I'll fully get it by the end or as I go along. We'll see...
Meanwhile, in the past nine hours i have also read most of a semi-trashy teen chick lit book called "Scary Beautiful". The tone is present tense and oddly Valley-Girlish, despite its Colorado setting. It's an interesting play on high school drama sterotypes--that is, it adheres to some of the formulaic Grrl-Drama elements while trying to reinvent some of them. As such, it is just not-cliched enough to be mildly amusing.
Oh, and Queer as Folk tomorrow! Gross your fingers for me! ^_^