202: Twinkletoes Gets Married, by Andrew J. Leggett

Oct 04, 2007 14:33

I just remembered, I don't think I ever posted the poem I wrote for Angie's wedding, back in August. Well, here it is (and the good news is, I can't change it, as Angie had it read at the ceremony (or the rehearsal, I don't remember which)! A truly occasional piece! ^_^)


Twinkletoes Gets Married

For Angela Adams, on her wedding day

It seems as if I ( Read more... )

occasional, writing, poetry

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Comments 3

going_not_gone October 4 2007, 22:25:46 UTC
This is lovely and romantic, especially the final stanza, and th last lines: you love/him, and you do, you really do.

That's a splendid wedding gift, that is.


andyleggett October 4 2007, 22:34:42 UTC
That last line is a bit of an in-joke behind us... I introduced her to my Mann and we both love the movie "Magnolia", and that's from the song Aimee Mann wrote for the film (among others), "You Do". The chorus of that song goes: "...and you do, you do, you really do [love him]". It's a lovely song.


andyleggett October 4 2007, 22:40:44 UTC
*between us. I wrote 'behind'. XP

I'm trying to remember the song exactly:

"You stay the night at his house
with no ride to work
and I'm the one who tells you
he's another jerk

but you're the one who can succeed
you've only got to prove your need
and you do, you do, you do
you really do

the sex you're trading up for
what you hope is love
is just another thing that
he'll be careless of

but though there's caveats galore
you've only got to love him more
and you do, you do, you do
you really do

even when it's all too clear

you write a little note that
you leave on the bed
and spend some time dissecting
every word he said

and if he seemed a little strange
well baby, anyone can change
and you do, you do, you do
you really do

you do, you do, you do
you really do, you really do
you really do".

"You Do", last song from her album, "Bachelor No. 2 or the last remains of the dodo". We both love our Mann! ^_^

(Actually, he Brazilian honey's a lot nicer than that!)


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