531: Shopping and Grades...

Dec 18, 2008 23:52

Don't panic, anybody, but I have a tiny bit of a runny nose and phlegmy throat. Not hacking up a storm or in need of my own personal box of kleenex, but I think I need to stay indoors and rest for a couple of days... that, and I really should stop shopping until my check comes beginning (*crosses fingers*) of next week. Also, I don't know if I have anything to do this weekend--if I do end up doing something, let's hope it won't require me to fork over any cash.

Which, basically leaves watching movies. Which is good--I have a lot of movies I wanna watch, as per usual.

The only problem has been, here at my mom's place, again, too many people about, and only late night/early morning hours for any privacy. Which could fuck up my sleep schedule. I usually wake up between 11 and 2, which still leaves a semi-sane day, but still.

And the reason I am a bit phlemy? Despite the cold, I have been walking all over, doing what, you ask? Shopping. Thrift shopping, mostly, but still. I haven't even hit midtown yet. But I can't say I have much regret--I've been getting tons of cute shit, for pretty good deals. (Even if I did end up carrying them today from El Camino back home, completing my full at least five-mile circle, in the middle of which it rained on me just a little...)

But I am also now the proud owner of high-helled boots and purple nylons, among other scrumptuous items. Perhaps pictures will come, because you must see how I am building my cracktastic wardrobe in my ongoing attempt to become trannie-fierce... (Something which only Heather seems to understand in this house; at least one person here is gay-friendly...*rolls eyes*)

I justify my splurging on the facts that a) I barely go shopping when down south, as I can't find many thrift stores close enough and b) I'm not reallys pending that much (famous last words). I'm really just trying to make the most of my visit here, but it seems like a lot will have to wait for this summer, and hopefully the procurement of a job, and thus--again, hopefully--the ability to really explore what this town has to offer, possibly food-wise.

In the meantime, I also wanna at least hit a couple more thrift shops and finally eat at La Bonne Soupe and/or Cafe Rolle (French cuisine!) and possibly get my hair-cut or my eyebrows did. I'm just trying to be fabulous!

I just wish I had a little more money--oh well! I'm sure I'll get by; it's not as if I'm that reckless--I mean, I haven't overdrafted yet, so that should count for something right? Of course, when I said this to Mike about me scraping through this semester academically, he gave me a very judgmental look. We hung out at this cool little coffee shop which, ironically, has been hiding on the corner near Loehman's plaza all this time not a block away from here! The place is called Cafe La Boca and is inhabited by lovely checker-playing indians and delicious custard-filled pastries and white hot chocolates.

But anyway, as usual, I became the self-conscious show of Mike's delight when I mentioned the loss of my virginity--I didn't dare ask the question that I've asked before, as we both agreed it wouldn't be answered until he was senile enough to let it slip. Our shared admission seems to be that we will grow old together; make of that and "While You Read" what you will. I'm sure it won't be the last poem I write about my first and ongoing love...

But anyway, as I said to Mike (and I think I've mentioned it here, too, before) that this semester was definitely full of achievements--I just wish more of them had been academic. Still, even if there was only one A (French), I was incredibly shocked to see that I escaped from English survey with a B. I felt certain I was doing so crappy, but I had one kickass of a final, so apparently rock progress is made up for with Furman-Adams by ultimate results? *shrug*

B in Feminist Philosophy, which is good. C in Linguistics, mostly 'cause I was never able to finish my doozy of a final project. Grade is up in the air for Sex & Gender in Anthropology, as apparently my final paper didn't go through to her. Have to resubmit it... but considering with a large portion of the work missing in that sense the grade was still passing, I'd say that's a good sign for when it get's fixed up in January.

So overall, not too bad, but I'm still a little disappointed that I didn't manage to do as stellar as I could have. Partly it was taking on too much, partly it was still my lack of discipline and burning out just when everything was coming due. Things I'm planning on fixing next semester. At any rate, my falls always seem to be harder than the springs--last year this was the case, so let's hope for a repeat this time around.

Taking Music Theory over for January, so hopefully that brings my overall GPA up enough that I can get enough of my financial aid to go to France. If not, hopefully I can wrangle my Aunt into helping me out, as she's very supportive of travel experiences, and says she wants to help me out more with that kind of stuff. I just don't want to be presumptive and ask for too much...

Speaking of which, I'm not sure what's going on with my Aunt--need to call her. Other people, too. Hanging out has to ensue whilst I'm here! Gotta see my Sac peoples! Haven't heard from Eve in a while either, need to rectify that...

Actually, I have a random story related to this that happened today whilst I was out thrifting, but I'll save it for another day... For now, it is enough for y'all to know that I am happy and excited to be home and that much planning is commencing! ^_^

mike, planning, discipline, school, thrifting, college

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