446: Crazy Time...

May 17, 2008 19:38

I've been sleeping most of my last days at Whittier away and lovin' it... But it's getting a bit more sweltering, and sleeping is a sweaty business when you're air-conditioning-less. But I know when I get back to Sac, it's gonna be even *hotter*...

Did I mention yet? I'm ready to be home. I dove into doing all this stuff this semester, and did a good job of pushing it back down, but the homesickness is back in full force and I'm a girl with a plan...

See, I'm planning on doing all this stuff, right? Getting out and into Sacramento culture, so I can soak it all up before I come back down here. Andy needs to get faaaabulous!

And me and Laura got awful fabulous last night. We weren't even doing anything... We drove out to find something to eat, and it seems like everyone had turned off their icecream machines, but we still moving around to the beat and generally acting like we were drunk. It was *awesome*. ;D

Oh, and then I had my AICH2 final today... At 8. A.M. It went a lot better than I was dreading (I mean, I don't think by 'moderate essay' they meant a big 10 page thing, in one of those little blue books, but anywho...) and I think I'll be studying for the other two tonight.

I can't wait to get back home, though. I'm already gone mentally. I'll be sure to keep y'all up to date on everything I'll be doing. In the meantime, I'm counting down the 72 hours until I am *back*, baby, BACK. 

funness, summer, school, sacramento, college, awesome

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