This is the most important thing I've yet written--forget the Newsom, this one feels like more of a triumph to me. Not only because it was so hard to write (much pacing and rocking back and forth and shaking fingers), but because of the comments I've gotten from people already. So I know I've been successful in talking about something most people don't talk about in relation to Scientology--what it's really like being inside of it. So I'm happy that I was successful in doing that, as that was my aim.
P.S. Yeah, I know one eye is smaller than the other in that picture, which, along with my really thick make-up, makes me look like a scary Goth. That was also intentional, and also a success! ^_^
ETA: See, I always have *some* kind of problem posting pictures... last time you could click on the picture to enlarge it; I don't know what its problem is now! DX Well, just save it as a picture and you can prolly read it; if not, I'll paste the text in my next post, m'kay? *collapses*
ETA le duexieme: YES! I finally got the links to work, so you *should* be able to read it now... *pumps fist*