Springtime in Paris (da dee da dumm)

Apr 27, 2005 11:47

I tell a story of arms, and of a man....

hang on, no I don't.

Since, when? since last wednesday, I think... yes. I have been in France with Teh Syl.

Events have included, in no particular order: (and apologies for any repetition, for those who are regular readers of acid_lag...)

Beer, of course.

Les puces de Clignancourt, goggles (yay! goggles!) mice, some lady on something interesting talking to syl, giving her the key to happiness (a yale key attached to a paperclip in a baggie), the computer shop of god, run by an enormous (incomprehensible) african.

Exuberance, and a houseparty. and learning how much better I can understand french than I can speak it. rolling a thin cigarette, being criticised for doing so and being understood to explain that "it's a rabbit". hat being passed around (slut hat!), inflatable woman with too many functioning orifices.

sitting around watching Stuff together, at parents' place. Gangs of NY, Phone booth, smallville (yay!), naruto, life less ordinary.

Cool food: homemade pasta from the House of the Pasta God. (no, really.), sticky rice that (gasp) turned out well....

Sitting in the black dog, over a pitcher of Murphy's, just talking and feeling a way no words will ever describe...

many metro and RER journeys, many...

a possesed dishwasher

playing with hardware and OSs. learning to operate a graphics program neither I or syl understand, in french. oh yes.

sitting in a park, on the site of the old Citröen factory, talking about things that make no sense and just enjoying the day.

Many more things, most of which wouldn't translate into print.

so yeah. London dudes, see you later this week, oxford dudes, see you soon enough, Syl, see you after exams and everybody else:


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